- Which worlds are you trying?
Oasis Springs - Pebble Burrow currently. Have only made 2 family's for this world, world started late May.
- Do you have Eco?
- Do you play off-grid?
The problem started for me on June 8th. I started this world late May in Newcrest - Beech Byway with CC. Did not notice if the problem was there as I never bought any laundry stuff with this family.
When Eco launched I then started a new family in the same world with the same CC on June 4th in Oasis Springs - Pebble Burrow, which I did buy a Washer and Dryer as part of building the house on day 1. It was usable, I even did all the upgrades. Then the issue showed up on June 8th; I have No Lot Perks, but had 4 Neighborhood NAPs - Clean Energy Production, Free Love, Support the Performing Arts, and Tech Support. I had voted out Sharing is Caring the day before. The issue continued into June 9th, in which I then just deleted the whole laundry system I had going in the house and then bought them again after the June 10th update. The problem again started late yesterday in a new world with NO CC
As to the issue -
Was doing laundry off and on throughout the game play with no problem, and it does seem to take time to duplicate.
After a while, "Wash Laundry" and "Dry Laundry" disappeared from the Washer and Dryer.
Took the laundry from the hamper, as it was full, and put it into the Washer. Washer then only had 2 options "Move to Dryer" and "Put down" Taking the laundry out of the Washer and place on the floor, it said "Clean and Dry" but wouldn't let me put away... which is then taken back to the hamper and then into the Washer. Same 2 options, so tried "Move to Dryer" which now says "Used and Dry" which doesn't do any good as putting it on the floor then makes a wet pile as it now says "Used and Wet" and the Washer still only has 2 options... "Move to Dryer" and "Put down" ... Dryer only has "Put down"
After deleting the Washer and Dryer on June 9th.. I updated the game on June 10th, re-bought the Washer and Dryer which were then working again. With them working, was hoping it was patched out and also hoping maybe it is a CC conflict.... SO!! I then started a new world also on June 10th without CC, Brindleton Bay - Tail's End, which again the Washer and Dryer were working until late June 11th. The same exact problem eventually came up, I have also once again deleted the Washer and Dryer so laundry doesn't build up.