Product: The Sims 4
Platform: PC/Windows 10
Which language are you playing the game in? Portuguese - Brazil
How often does the bug occur?
Always, since update 06/03/2020
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed?
All, except Star Wars
Steps: Just wash the clothes for a period of play, after which the machine and dryer stop working, making it impossible to wash the clothes. It would be interesting to investigate everything that adds the clothes, being, the clothes, baskets, washing machines, dryers, everything that involves the cleaning of the clothes.
What happens when the bug occurs?
It is not possible to wash the clothes, as soon as they are placed in the machine, the washing option does not appear, it seems that they are dry and clean, and when you put them in the dryer you only have the option of taking them to the machine or loosening clothes, when you release the clothes. clothes on the floor it is noticeable that they are dirty, this generates a loop to put in the machine and take the dryer, and then back to that, take the machine and take the dryer infinitely.
What do you expect to see?
My sims wearing clean and not soiled clothes. That was hilarious, but I would like to see the clothes come out wet and clean from the machine, and dry and clean from the dryer, my sims happy to be wearing clean clothes.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods?
Yes and no.
Yes, as I always play with CC’s and mods.
And no, when an update or new package comes out I always play for a while without mods and CC’s, renaming my The Sims folder and creating a new one is always the first step before any update or installation of any new package.
When I realize that the game is giving a small bug the first thing I do is to create a copy of my save game, remove the mods folder and play again without the mods and CC’s.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system?
If yes, please describe the patch or change you made.
After patch 06/03/2020 and ECO.
If you need anything else, I’m available to help with whatever you need. I play a lot and the bugs appear quickly in my game. Photos, Videos I have everything registered.