- Which packs do you own ?
- All.
- Which plants are affected ? Please list them all
- All--catnip, etc, spinach, daisy, valerian, mandrake, basil, parsley, strawberry. It doesn't seem to matter what I plant. I am going to test the fertilizer variable now.
- Does it happen after fertilizing or what's the trigger for you ?
- It seems at random. It can happen after my Sim has interacted with the plants, before blooming in the morning, or after blooming but before I've harvested.
- Were those new plants or plants planted before the patch ?
- Both.
- If you have Seasons: Are the plants sheltered/inside ?
- Some are and some in-season plants are outside. All are in planter boxes, but they revert if planted in the ground, too.
- If you have Seasons: Are the plants in Season ?
- See above. All out-of-season plants are sheltered.
- Are you using mods/cc ?
- No.
- What's your game Version ?
- What lot type are you playing on ?
- Residential and Tiny Home Residential. 30X20 and 20X15. I usually have the Great Soil lot trait enabled. I'm about to test with that turned off.
Editing to add: I planted a group of nine plants outside, in season, on Monday. No fertilizer. By Friday, three of the plants had reverted to dirt piles--one on Wednesday morning and two more on Friday. I am going to try regenerating my Sims folder and see what happens. My current lot is The Shipping Views in Evergreen Harbor.
Edit/Update 2: I generated a new game folder and a completely new game. I thought all was well, and then one week in, all of my unsheltered, in-season plants reverted: Catnip et al, lemon, tomato, sage, chrysanthemum, garlic. One sheltered plant was affected: valerian. I planted and cared for the plants, never fertilized, and the tomatoes were evolved once. My Sim is still able to spray for bugs on recently reverted plants.