This is my first post here, so please excuse me if this was done incorrectly. I am having issues with my plants reverting to the planted stage and have been for quite a while now.
Which packs do you own ?
I own all of the available packs including the newest, Cottage Living.
Which plants are affected ? Please list them all
I have had this problem for quite some time and, as far as I can tell, it affects all plants but in this most recent save it's affecting parsley, sage, strawberry, garlic, carrot, mushroom, and morel mushroom.
Does it happen after fertilizing or what's the trigger for you ?
This happens in the morning when I do anything to my plants. It happens in the middle of harvest and also while weeding or watering. There doesn't seem to be a specific trigger, except interacting with the plants.
Were those new plants or plants planted before the patch ?
These are all new plants planted after the most recent patch.
If you have Seasons: Are the plants sheltered/inside ?
The plants are outside.
If you have Seasons: Are the plants in Season ?
The plants are in season.
Are you using mods/cc ?
I have the latest version of and MC Command Center installed, but no CC.
What's your game Version ?
What lot type are you playing on ?
50x40 Residential Lot in Henford-On-Bagley.
If you own ECO, does it happen when the footprint changes ? If not, what's your current footprint ?
I haven't noticed any direct relationship to the footprint and plants reverting. It is currently disabled in my game.
Are you getting any LastException files in your doc folder when the revert happens ?
I'm unsure how to read these files to see if they are related, but there are quite a few LastException files in my doc folder that are time stamped around the same time this is happening in game.
Are you using a bee box ?
Does the lot have any lot traits ?
Homey and Great Soil. Challenges enabled are Simple Living and Wild Foxes.
What kind of fertilizer have you been using ? Does it happen to plants that have never been fertilized ?
I have not fertilized any of these plants.