@crinrict After I did everything in your posts, I got it to work for a bit, but then after I completed one quest, the other disappeared. I can still see the little grim menu thing, and it says one quest is complete but not the other, and there's no option to start the second quest. I had already started working on it. It also made me complete the first quest twice? For the second one, I saw the task to call Grim but I suddenly got a stupid discovery quest that blocked it. I keep disabling those annoying things and they keep popping up worse than spam mail. Anyway, I was afraid to just cancel the DQ in case it messed with the Grim quest, so I completed it before trying to disable it again, but the Grim quest had disappeared, anyway. I'm so frustrated, I'll be giving up on the sims for a while and sticking with Stardew for now. I play to relax, not get more stressed out! Hopefully they get this mess fixed before too long, I was really looking forward to this one. Thank you for your suggestions, tho!