Unfortunately, I just did my initial testing with a social interaction (hugging) only, and when I thought disabling Laundry Day was the solution, I wanted to continue playing normally, with CC put back into the game, without most hacks or script mods of course, as most of them are still not updated for the patch ...
The problem that they could not interact with any objects still was there. So I removed CC again, and started over testing the game while disabling packs. This time with 2 object interactions, getting food from the fridge and showering.With only the base game activated, it still happened. The Sim went to the fridge, opened it, T-Posed, plate on the ground, idle animation, suddenly a piece of food appeared out of thin air and the eating animation happened. Showering, same as when I first noticed the bug, Idle animation, and after a few seconds the hygiene bar started filling up.
Going to try to re-install the game now.
EDIT: Re-installing the game now, and I unticked the Laundry Day pack from tthe list, just to be sure
EDIT 2: A fresh install with an new Folder in Documents, everything runs fine... next test: Moving the old Documents folder back in... one thing I already noticed is, that I didnt have the new interaction menu structure before I re-installed the game. So, not being a programmer, a wild guess. Maybe some cache issues.
EDIT 3: When I tried to add the ConfigOverrides and Cache folders, I got an error message about "older game version", so I removed those, leaving only my tray and saves folder in Documents. Starting the game again and loading the household I used fort my previous tests, no bug happened... now I will move back my CC folder and start the game. Since I have a LOT of CC, it will take at least an hour before I can report any results, my game takes that long to load with CC!