I've uploaded what I am experiencing for your reference. Please watch the clock at the bottom of the UI to see what I think is causing my own freezing issues. I'm not sure if this is what others are experiencing or not.
I have updated my computer as much as is possible to do so. I have the most recent updates of the game, each time eager it would be resolved.
I have experimented with deleting cache files and I've tried having all of the settings down to potato resolution. I have done the "repair" option on my game several times.
I have deleted my mods, but I was only using UI cheats and MCCC previously, both are quite reputable.
I deleted them fully anyway, just in case.
Nothing seems to help.
Sometimes it's briefly okay when I first open the game, but the glitch always comes back. They freeze. The time is confused.
If it helps, I used to notice it would happen more when my sim was about to get a call or a pop up was coming. I also noticed the problem was less bad when I turned off autonomy completely.
It's less fun to play without autonomy, though. It's a bit of a chore to keep multiple sims happy.
Prior to this glitch, I noticed in one of the updates that the sims seemed to do things more autonomously without an action queued up - perhaps this was related to that update.
Thank you, any help is appreciated.