@chaoticdandelion Your problem with lagging is because you had farm animals on a residential rental lot. I just did extensive testing for another thread with this problem about farm animals glitching on residential rental lots and I found out that cows, llamas, chickens, and mini sheep, mini goats cause ever worsening glitches until the sims lag so badly that the game is unplayable.These tests were done in a vanilla game that had never been modded.
It did not matter if the farm animals were held on common ground for all tenants or owned by a particular tenant. Either way caused the glitches.
Farm animals cannot be kept on residential rental lots until this issue is solved by EA.
The problem seems to be a question of who owns the farm animals. The game repeatedly changes ownership no matter who originally owned the animals. Even the owner of the property cannot retain ownership. The coding for ownership of farm animals is obviously not as clear as for dogs and cats.
Even if you fixed your game, should you continue to own farm animals, it will happen again. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but at least you now know that testing has been done that conclusively proves the issue is real.
Check this thread for more info: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/HR-FR-Farm-Animals-in-Rental-Neighbours-homes-run-away/td-p/13531102/jump-to/first-unread-message