Forum Discussion
@Amuni50 I assume you are directing the "new way" question to me. :D
As far as I can tell, it only affects moves. When you use manage worlds to split a household or when you use the ask to join household option, you get the same double sided transfer window just like you did before except now there is an added section which allows you to transfer money between the two households. You just need to type in the amount and hit the transfer arrow. It can go either way. Really easy to use. It doesn't appear to affect anything when you make a new sim in CAS. They still get the same amount of money as they did before (20K for a single sim, etc.) I haven't tried the new CAS function, I think they called it story mode or something and that gives you differing amounts depending on what choices you choose. I saw the video when it was introduced but have never tried it. It was in the same update where they changed the main loading screen colors and the plumbob design. So someone else who has used it may be able to tell you more.
For your issue, there are a couple of ways to present it to your downloaders. I'd just use the cheats (freerealestate on) to get them into a house and then set their money amount with one of the money cheats (Kaching, Motherlode). The household money amount can be set through MCCC or the UI Cheats mods too if they have either of those . The other way that I saw in a post over at the main forum was before you try to put them in the world, load the downloaded sim into CAS and add a sim to the household, then delete the sim you just added and then save and the household gets the 20K when you go to place the sim into a house. I haven't tried it so I don't know if it works or not though and I may be not completely correct in how it's done. I suggest you give it try to see if it works for you.
Hope this helps.
I tried the free real estate cheat, but it didn't seem to work for me - it said the "cheat doesn't work in this screen" or something to that effect. Adding a second sim and then deleting it does work though - I've tested it too. For my new sims, I just type in "money 20,000" after I place them and that seems to work just fine. I just wish I understood why it became a problem with my older sims, you know? Thank you for being patient and continuing to work with me.
- CGrant566 years agoHero+
@Amuni50 Where and when in the process did you try to use the freerealestate cheat? From what I can tell, it only works if used on a map screen and only for a limited time. Not the manage world screen where you pick your world. It also doesn't appear to work if you are in live mode on a lot but that actually makes sense to me. It will work both if you enter the cheat before going to manage households or after you have selected your household and get back to the map in the actual placement process. You can tell if it works if the outlines of all the lots are green or turn from yellow to green when you go to place the sim. You can turn it off afterwards by using "freerealestate off" but it seems to turn itself off later when you go into live mode on a lot so I don't usually bother turning it off.
And you are very welcome! I too appreciate it when somebody takes the time to help me with my own problems with the game. We're all a community here and that's what I was taught as I was growing up, good neighbors help each other when and how they can.
- 6 years ago
I can see how the free real estate cheat would work if you had already started a game, but I am talking about starting a brand new game and using one of my gallery sims as your very first sim in that new game. The sim does not have enough money to buy anything - not even a lot - so there is no way to get past the world screen. I have also tried it in the map screen, but again, it tells me I cannot use the cheat, so I still cannot place my sim for the first time in a new game.
- CGrant566 years agoHero+
Wow, I didn't know you couldn't use it in that circumstance. I tested in my current game to make sure it works but not in a new game. I already grabbed a few of your sims from the gallery a few days ago and I'll start a new game with one to see what happens tomorrow if I have time. Might have to wait until the day after but I will give it a go and see what happens.
But in the meantime, did you try adding another sim to the household before you tried to place them and then deleting the sim you added? From what I've read, that's supposed to give you the 20K as before. I haven't tried it so I don't know if it really works. I'll try that too when I do the other.
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