Forum Discussion
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? PC:
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Cats and Dogs, City Living, Get to Work, Get Together, Seasons, Dine Out, Jungle Adventure, Outdoor Retreat, Parenthood, Spa Day, Bowling Night Stuff, Cool Kitchen Stuff, Perfect Patio Stuff,
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? So background, I wanted to change a sims aspirations AFTER I moved them into a house but before I got really far with progression. I know I could have done this a number of ways but I found this bug doing it my way. Step 1) Create a household (I had 1 sim, 1 pet) and place them onto a lot. Step 2) Go to Manage Worlds and open recently placed household. Step 3) Press the "..." and click Manage Household. Click the Pencil to edit household Step 4) Save household to make a copy of it in the Gallery. Place this copy as a new sim so you have essentially a clone of Sim 1. (Sim 1's aspirations arent able to changed so making Sim 2 gets around this). Delete Sim 1 leaving Sim 2 to be the only household left. Save changes and go back to the lot to play the game. Step 5) Observed a negative household balance. (In my case was around -$17,000) Likely an issue of deleting Sim 1 Step 6) Merge a new household from the Gallery (really anyone with the standard $22,000) to counter the negative number. (Didnt want to use cheats to break achievements) Step 7) Sell an item (I sold a door) Cash on hand went from +$2,000 to +$9,999,999 but the sale price for the door +$95.
What happens when the bug occurs? From messing with households, a negative household funds number can occur. Forcing this number back positive by merging a family bugs out the sale of items and returns max money.
What do you expect to see? While my method was strange, I was hoping to just change the aspirations of a sim because they were overlooked in the first CAS session. I expected to see a normal function of cash flow while changing some stats. Worst case scenario, stealing the money from a merged house and causing them to be a roommate.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure
Just wanted to type out a tl;dr of what im doing.
Edit Household consisting of one Sim (Sim 1), Clone Sim 1 making Sim 2. Delete Sim 1 from edit screen.
(Playing this household now, I observe a negative funds balance.)
Merge a Sim 3 in Household to make negative go to positive, sell any item and funds go from $2000 to $9,999,999.
- crinrict5 years agoHero+
Sounds related to this: merged your post
You can just change aspirations on the fly though. Just go to the tab where you buy rewards and click on the little sun icon. There you can change aspirations.
Also: On PC cheating doesn't affect the achievements. That's only for console.
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