[FIXED] Sims lose their first and last names
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? GTW, GT, Pets, Seasons, GF, CL, DU Vampires, RoM, OR, DO, JA, Strangerville Romantic Garden, Paranormal, MH, NK, VG
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? This glitch happens when you first load a household, and affects all households related to that lot.
What happens when the bug occurs? Non-played Sims lose both their first and last names.
What do you expect to see? Names restored to Sims in Create-a-Sim, genealogy panel, relationship panel, and Live Mode.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. This glitch appears after the most recent patch on 7.20.2021
Although my Sim's genealogy is finally restored - no more broken branches on the family tree, I have noticed that 90% of my Sims have lost both their first and last names.
This glitch applies to both Sims deceased and living, and starts the moment any lot is loaded for the first time. The household chosen keeps their names, but a decent amount of the relationships loose their first and last names. Even in Create-a-Sim, their identities are rendered nameless.
This glitch applies both with and without mods installed. The household first selected retains their names, but will lose them if they are not the first household selected.
Edit By Crinrict: Added Tag to Title
Sometimes, in certain saves, Sims would lose their names when visiting some Lots - most notoriously the Goth’s Lot but it could happen anywhere. If a Sim has no name… does that Sim exist? I can assure you that the Goths were not involved, but this issue should no longer occur.Fixed in Patch 1.79.93/1.47
If you're still experiencing this issue, please create a new thread.
Please not that already lost names will probably need to be edited in manually. You should no longer loose them again after that though.