Some more information I had this problem a couple of times in the past, it seams that some items if your sims are in bed during patch freaks the game out and the game believes your sim is still there so delete the bed and place the bed back on lot the undo works wonders for this. I had to do this at least 5 times. Cats, and Dogs can wake your sims up through locked doors by queering your sims. I had to build a wall with a door locked to pets to keep them out of the second floor area, its one of the traits cats and dogs have that does it. You can train it out of the cats and dogs. Another thing that can wake your sims up is vampires on lot. A death somewhere in the neighborhood it does happen, and all sims go out and morn the dead passerby that decided to die while fishing near your house. Some sims won't sleep if there is a thunderstorm, I don't remember what the trait is. A thunderbolt within the boundaries of the lot can also wake kids and teen sims up, as well as toddlers. Temporary teen traits can also cause problems with sleeping like rebellious, they are more likely to drop the interaction but that is confined to parenthood game pack. Also another thing make sure if they got the headsets in their inventory make sure they are turned off that can keep sims from sleeping too.