Another thought on someone doing the trait removal test is that it's possible that because some traits unlock certain dialogue options that a certain option is bugged and thus affecting the whole dialogue tree.
As someone who played on console (PS4-PS5) for two years and been playing on the PC for a little over a year now, I transferred a lot of Sims I used on my console that I have on the gallery. One of course is my main Sim who has a lot of stats. Like woohoo-ing over 1200 times to give you an example of how busy he's been. All skills maxed out, have almost all the traits too.
I bring this up for a reason so hear me out. When I started using my main Sim on my PC playing, I started with the base game and slowly repurchased the packs. Hey, I wanted to play with mods and such and I'm glad I this change. But for the most part if a skill my Sim learned, feat he eared (or cheated to get), notebook entry was deleted like I have never earned those in the first place... except for fishing catches.
For some reason and I found this out later the notebook entries for fishing for fish you can only catch via another pack installed was still there, but since those fish can't show up because the pack needed for them to show up wasn't installed, I would get an error report for trying to check out the notebook entries. The plants were working and the ones I got from other packs were gone. The crops from Cottage Living was gone too.
The thing was, the fishing entries were fine with some Sims (even ones I transferred) and some caused the error. I assumed that mods I really wanted to play with like MCCC and for example were causing it and eventually in an update maybe that would be fixed. Especially MCCC trying to get me to get on Discord to figure out the problem. Anyway, I didn't feel like removing one mod at a time and testing it. It wasn't worth the effort to me.
Eventually overtime, once I purchased Jungle Adventure, they started working again because I finally got the last pack I needed to restore it. When I was looking to see which ones I had recatch to regain their notebook entries again, I found out that for some reason they were all there from the other packs. It just turned that the game tries to hold on to fishing entries, but not planet entries in your notebook or your skills or your traits that disappear or you fame if you were famous and don't have Get Famous when you are missing the pack necessary for your Sim to have all those things.
It could be the case with dialogue option where this specific one like the fishing one in my case where in this case, it's causing an error by having that dialogue option trying to be used and it can't.
It's worth a shot to investigate.