Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
11 years ago

[FIXED] Spliced Garden Shoot inventory glitch

My Sim travelled to a park and took cuttings of a pear tree(I don't think it matters what plant though), returned home and notice that they've changed to become a stack of unspecified "Spliced Garden Shoot". Under where it typically states the cut plant was only "A cutting from a garden plant used for grafting".

I don't remember if it remained as a pear cutting, but fortunately ONE of the shoots functioned as it was supposed to and I was able to graft a plant, the other 3 though unfortunately, remains in my Sim's inventory, non-functional. Doesn't appear in the graft menu, cannot be sold, dragged out of the inventory or deleted(?), stacked or unstacked.

That's all from me, enjoying the game so far. 😕mileyhappy:

  • crinrict's avatar
    8 years ago

    Fixed in Patch 1.28.25

    • Taking a cutting from a wild plant will once again identify the plant from which it was taken.

    NOTE: I'm marking this as fixed and will lock this as this thread has become a bit of a multiple issue thing

    If you still have issues with grafting, please open a new thread.

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