I used to grow dragonfruit ALL THE TIME with no problems. The plants would become fully harvestable (10 dragonfruit per plant i think?) and would follow the usual cycle of evolution etc. Since I downloaded Seasons (as soon as it came out) whenever I try to graft snapdragon & strawberry together, the spliced plant just does not grow dragonfruit and also does not become fully harvestable, bearing only 2 harvestables of snapdragon & strawberry. I tried to work around this and went through the buy-debug cheat and bought some dragonfruit seeds through that. I plant them, and they grow until they are fully grown, but do not become fully harvestable. I've tried in numerous games, and currently they have been growing for more than 100 sim days, with no evolution opportunities, and hardly any harvestables - only 4 per plant? It seems to be a bug that's been happening for months with no fix?