Forum Discussion

mrstank30's avatar
Seasoned Veteran
3 years ago

Garden trees no longer go into household inventory

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? Version
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All of them.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Try to move a gardening tree into the household inventory
What happens when the bug occurs? The tree gives only the option to sell.
What do you expect to see? The option to add to household inventory or sell. (All other plants get this option and trees have previously had this option.)
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. I reinstalled my game from scratch after reverting my macbook pro back to Mac OS Monterey from Mac OS Ventura due to the issue that would not allow the game to exit properly after saving.

I am looking for a fix or a possible workaround so that a sim can once again have a gardening tree in their household inventory.  This has worked normally for me to move the tree in household inventory as recently as the last few weeks.  I did a complete reinstall of my game after reverting my system back to MAC OS Monterey from Ventura because there is an unrelated (I assume) known issue where the game will not quit after saving.  My game is a new game, played with no mods or CC (although I normally do use these and take them out as needed). 

The trees include normal standard gardening trees such as avocado, pear, coconut, etc.  I also have one spliced tree, one forbidden fruit tree and one money tree.  All other plants will give an option to add to household inventory or sell.  The trees only give the option to sell now.  

TIA for your ideas 🙂

9 Replies

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  • Hi @mrstank30 , clicking on a tree while in live mode doesn't normally have an option to add to household inventory AFAIK.

    When you go to build mode, are you able to pick up the tree and place it in household inventory from there?

  • @mrstank30 I also can't remember this option either and don't have options to sell or move any plants to the household inventory from live mode.

    Are you sure this wasn't a mod that gave you the option that you no longer have ?

    Could you maybe post a screenshot of the option you're mean for other plants in case I'm misunderstanding what you mean.

    EDIT: Seeing that you posted in another old thread, I'm not sure if you're talking about an actual option in Live mode or if you mean you can't drag them to your inventory. Could you give some more info?

  • I figure you must be talking about Build/Buy mode, since there are no buttons to put a plant into inventory, or sell it, in Live mode. I loaded a save where I have several trees. These included apple, lemon, cherry, and Money trees. The option for moving them into household inventory appeared on all of these trees. I didn't specifically check avocado, coconut, pear, or Forbidden Fruit trees. I might do that later if I can find them in my existing saves.

    Sorry I wasn't able to duplicate your issue. I'm using Windows 10, so it might be specific to MAC OS or even your specific operating system.

    ETA: I found the saves I wanted and checked coconut, avocado, pear, Forbidden Fruit, Grow Fruit, and the Tree of Emotions. They all had the button to put them in household inventory and they went into the inventory with no problem.

  • I have the same problem. In build mode, I can only put small plants in the household inventory. No more trees. Screens attached.
    I don't know since when the problem exists. I have not been able to play for about 2 months. Before that it was still working.
    Tested mod-free and in a new game save. Cache and localtumb deleted before start.

  • PandoraTO's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 years ago

    I always forget about this issue until I'm trying to move my household (like now). This has been a chronic problem for me for ages: I can't move trees into household inventory (in build mode). Best I can do is take some fruit from the trees to replant at the new house. I'm surprised there aren't more Me Too's on this one. 

  • mrstank30's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    2 years ago
    @PandoraTO Honestly I forget about it too but I moved a household in my new clean save and put the two money trees in the inventory, got them to the new house and they were gone. They worked going in (or so I thought)... but then just disappeared. That's slightly different than what happened originally. I am currently trying to play and build and so on but I have to stop so often due to how many bugs and glitches I keep having. Annoying as heck.
  • MapleSimmer's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 years ago

    @PandoraTO are you also on Mac? I am on Windows and just moved my sims to my new lot and was able to put their harvestable trees into their family inventory and place them on the new lot. Though I tend to use the back space key to put them into my inventor, but I just went in and checked and I do have the option to put them into the family inventory even without using the back space key. I tested with a lot of different trees, including the money tree, forbidden fruit trees and the plasma fruit tree. Do you remember where you originally got the fruit to plant the trees? i.e. they weren't debug cheats or ones that were found dumpster diving were they? I know especially with the latter (things found dumpster diving) there can be issues with ownership. 

    If that doesn't work, try creating a room with the plants you want to move, save that to your library and then place that room when you get to your new lot. I've done that before if I've wanted to have some harvestable trees (and plants) in a build. 

    Best regards,


  • PandoraTO's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 years ago
    @MapleSimmer Yes, I am on a Mac. I suspect it could be part of the issue based on the first report.

    I did use the room workaround once when I had some out-of-season trees I wanted to keep but none of the harvestables to replant. I’d forgotten about that. Thanks for the reminder!