Forum Discussion
I have no mods or CC, never used either before, but I’m getting a message every time I try to open my Sims 4 game. I haven’t had any issues until the most recent update.
When I click “Ok” and try to load a world and a family in that world, it returns me to the main screen where this message waits:
The game failed to load. Error Code:
102:1df25949 a7d3f204. It is recommended that you relaunch the game
I have relaunched several times and even waited a few days before trying again.
Again, I have no Mods or CC, and never have.
I’ve seen other posts in the EA Help forum from other users that said removing certain Mods fixed this issue, so I’m not sure why I’m having this issue without having any Mods.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
Best is to delete the ones you have, then trigger the error and check if new ones are created.
If that is the case, please upload
Follow instructions here on how to upload: (under Additional info)
Also any of your Sims in the detective career ?
- 2 years ago
Hello Crin,
I am so thankful for your help!
I did find some LastException files. I will delete them now and try re-launching the game, and will upload any new ones that may be created.
WOW, yes! That's an extremely impressive assessment- my main Sim JUST joined the Detective Career, right before I started having this error code issue...!
Now that you mention it, I also remember seeing a weird error in-game, something about an item being removed. I got that "item removed" error every time I saved or left the lot.
I wonder if it's related to the Detective Career, too?
- 2 years ago
Hello Crin,
I am trying to upload the LastException files with a Bug Report, but the form will not submit...!
I have been attempting to submit for 20 minutes now, trying something else soon, hopefully I will have a Bug Report to reference shortly...
Thank you!
- 2 years ago
Here is the bug report.
The uploader would not allow me to attach the LastException file itself, but I was able to add the text from the file using the "Insert Code" option, if that helps.
Thank you!
(PS- I was just now able to load another family file without any household members in the Detective Career... The error popped up still, but when I clicked "OK" it allowed me to choose another world/family...!)
- crinrict2 years agoHero+
@courtrkb I merged your post with the existing report.
To upload the LastException file you'll need to create a rar file or remove the XML part from the file. I'm guessing it's the same as others have had though.
Did you try removing the Sim from the career ? I think once you loaded another lot it should be possible to go back and remove the career.- 2 years ago
I was able to play as the problem Sim who was in the detective career by visiting with another Sim and choosing CAS mode (probably an easier way to do that lol but it was the first thought that came to mind) and then I had the problem Sim quit her job, and have had no issues playing at all today!
I will post a reply if the issue repeats the next time I launch the game, but so far so good.
THANK YOU! I truly appreciate your time and help with this 🙌🏽 You’ve saved my game!
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