Forum Discussion

funcrunch's avatar
9 years ago

Invited to birthday party at lot with no kitchen

My Sim's boyfriend invited her to his birthday party, in the middle of nowhere. Literally, that was the name of the lot: Mid-Nowhere (Windenburg), empty and with no nearby facilities other than a bonfire and a few party bushes. The caterer and another guest played games on their phones and stood around looking extremely awkward, while my Sim and the birthday Sim (both adults) hung out at the bonfire until he aged up to elder, sadly sans cake.

I'm on Mac OS 10.10.5 (Yosemite), no mods or cc, all expansions and packs except for Romantic Garden Stuff. This was a new-ish game file, and I'd played only a single Sim household with it.

5 Replies

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  • Why would you qualify this as a bug ? 

    A Sim that was aging invited you. I doubt that the game checks if the house the Sim lives in actually has the requirements needed.

  • But there was no house at all! Since a birthday party requires a cake, I don't see why the game shouldn't check for the existence of a stove and frig so that the caterer can bake one. There was literally nothing on the lot for the guests to interact with.

    When my other Sims have accepted invitations to dance parties on non-residential lots, portable food stands and DJ booths were brought in. But nothing was provided for this birthday party I was invited to. When the time expired, the birthday Sim even expressed disappointment (I forget what the exact message was).

    For the record, when this Sim invited my Sim to his previous (Adult) birthday party, it was held at the (proper) house of an unrelated family. I don't think this Sim is actually living in the world currently (surprised he hasn't been culled, but I guess EA did some tuning on that). I'd move him into my own lot, but am playing a challenge that forbids adding household members until my Sim reaches Elder stage.

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago

    I get club gatherings that have their 'club house' at houses with no items for them too use all the time. 

    Dance parties are special as they are specifically programmed that way. 

    I assume that birthday parties and other events check for your relationship with the Sim and then just have the event at their house (or in your case as it was a homeless Sim at a random lot)

    I agree with you, that it would be nicer if they would check for certain requirements to be fulfilled but I wouldn't classify it as a bug.

    I would suggest you post in the feedback forum over at the officials.

    Are you allowed to move him into a random lot ? If so, you could do that.

  • I still think it's a bug, but I'm not terribly worked up about it. My Sim rejected all other party/club/date invitations because I gave her the Loner trait so she could concentrate on the challenge. It's pretty much a moot point for this particular game now as the challenge will end in two Sim days when she reaches the Elder stage.

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago

    I'm open to hear other opinions on this but I won't add it for now.