Forum Discussion

simvasion's avatar
8 years ago

[NEEDS INFO] [GTW] "Known Alien" applied to humans during group conversation

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Occasionally (10% - 49%)
What is your current game version number? n/a
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Cats and Dogs, Get To Work, Get Together, City Living, Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Parenthood, Dine Out, Fitness Stuff, Movie Hangout Stuff, Perfect Patio Stuff, Luxury Party Stuff, Spooky Stuff, Toddler Stuff, Vintage Glamour Stuff
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Engage in group conversations with multiple human sims and an alien.
What happens when the bug occurs? Occasionally, when an alien is revealed and while they are in a group conversation, the "known alien" tag gets incorrectly applied to some of the human sims in the conversation group.
What do you expect to see? "Known alien" should only be applied to aliens and not human sims.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No

I've seen this happen occasionally while actively playing a human sim chatting with an alien.

I've also found out this can happen while I'm not actively playing the sims affected. I switched households and when I came back to the family, I found that the wife know thinks her husband is a known alien. But he's 100% human - I did spot them both chatting with an alien while out at a festival while I wasn't controlling them, so that could be when it happened.

9 Replies

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  • What happened is this: My Sim was at a dance party with a friend. So she was in a group, though only with one other person. (I'm not sure if the grouped condition is significant, but mention it just in case.) She got into a conversation, which became a multi-person conversation. One of the NPCs in the conversation was an alien. This alien was not in my Sim's group, but was a part of the multi-Sim conversation. Said alien NPC used an alien power. Suddenly my Sim got a whole set of notifications that she'd discovered an alien in disguise -- one for each Sim in the conversation. Yes, every Sim in the conversation was tagged as a 'Known Alien' to my Sim. Now I have human Sims like Luna Villareal and Geoffry Landgraab marked as 'Known Aliens,' among others.

    I don't know if there's anyway to 'undo' the tagging, but it would be nice.  Hopefully this will be noticed and fixed -- that would be wonderful.

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago

    I've added this

    I don't know of any way to remove the tag. There might be a cheat ...

  • Ayradyss's avatar
    New Veteran
    8 years ago

    Ummm . . . not really sure here.  I am now using the MCCC mod and its option to disable autonomous alien abilities.  So the situation no longer arises.  Honestly, I've drifted away from TS4 quite a bit of late.  Not playing very often.  But I'll see if I can set up a situation without the mod and see if it still happens.

  • simvasion's avatar
    8 years ago

    I have this issue.

    I was playing some other sims in my rotation, and when I came back to a particular household I checked the relationship bar and noticed that the wife now thinks her husband is a known alien, even though they are both human. They had a group conversation with an alien while I wasn't playing them and the "known alien" tag was applied to the wrong sim.

  • crinrict's avatar
    8 years ago


    would you be so kind to make a new thread ? You know, template and such :D

    Merged threads. Thanks