I haven't been able to complete the "Overhang Challenge Hard." Each time a Sim attempts a challenge the green progress indicator goes a little further. When the progress indicator reaches the full point my Sim resets and an LE is generated. This causes the progress to reset to the beginning.
If you're not paying attention, it can look like the Sim just quit. But quitting doesn't reset progress or generate an LE.
All the Sims I've tried this with have max Fitness and at least a 6 in SL Rock Climbing. The Climbing Treadmill also has a hidden Rock Climbing skill. I don't know what my Sims hidden skill level is.
File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py', line 209, in c_api_server_tick [ absolute_ticks : 277788686263, clock_service : server_clock, previous_ticks : 277788686225, zone : <Zone ID: 0x7ae0b8674e50275>, persistence_service : persistence_service]
File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone.py', line 485, in update [ self : <Zone ID: 0x7ae0b8674e50275>, absolute_ticks : 277788686263, game_clock : game_clock, time_service : time_service, season_service : season_service, weather_service : weather_service, narrative_service : narrative_service, roommate_service : roommate_service]
File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\time_service.py', line 112, in update [ self : time_service, time_slice : True, max_time_ms : 33]
File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\scheduling.py', line 234, in simulate [ self : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x1ab2a77d0>, until : 11:27:51.840 day:3 week:984, max_elements : 10000, max_time_ms : 33, count : 28, start_time : 6180.941243502, end_time : 6180.974243502001, handle : [None, None, <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x1ab2a77d0>, False, <Gen; animate_states.<locals>.do_begin@145; dead>], when : 11:27:51.480 day:3 week:984, _ : 425921, _t : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x1ab2a77d0>, _s : True, e : <Gen; animate_states.<locals>.do_begin@145; dead>, calling : True, result : [None, None, <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x1ab2a77d0>, False, <Gen; animate_states.<locals>.do_begin@145; dead>], exc : ASM :: TreadmillRockClimbingWall_Climb (HANDLE :: 51443)>: Attempt to traverse between two states (entry -> Fail) where no valid path exists! Actors {'x': (<weakref at 0x1d9f11f18; to 'object_sim' at 0x1a2ceec90>, None, <AnimationParticipant.ACTOR = 101>), 'treadmill': (<weakref at 0x1d517a808; to 'object_treadmill_Rock_ClimbingWall' at 0x1c99e2ad0>, '1', <AnimationParticipant.TARGET = 103>)} (debug context: Interaction <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.treadMill_Rock_ClimbingWall_Mixers_Climb_Challenge_4'> on object_treadmill_Rock_ClimbingWall:0x05aa0d49eb560a58; id:32310, sim:)]
File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\scheduling.py', line 721, in _report_exception [ self : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x1ab2a77d0>, element : <Gen; animate_states.<locals>.do_begin@145; dead>, exception : ASM :: TreadmillRockClimbingWall_Climb (HANDLE :: 51443)>: Attempt to traverse between two states (entry -> Fail) where no valid path exists! Actors {'x': (<weakref at 0x1d9f11f18; to 'object_sim' at 0x1a2ceec90>, None, <AnimationParticipant.ACTOR = 101>), 'treadmill': (<weakref at 0x1d517a808; to 'object_treadmill_Rock_ClimbingWall' at 0x1c99e2ad0>, '1', <AnimationParticipant.TARGET = 103>)} (debug context: Interaction <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.treadMill_Rock_ClimbingWall_Mixers_Climb_Challenge_4'> on object_treadmill_Rock_ClimbingWall:0x05aa0d49eb560a58; id:32310, sim:), message : Exception running Element]
File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\time_service.py', line 183, in _on_exception [ self : time_service, timeline : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x1ab2a77d0>, element : <Gen; animate_states.<locals>.do_begin@145; dead>, exception : ASM :: TreadmillRockClimbingWall_Climb (HANDLE :: 51443)>: Attempt to traverse between two states (entry -> Fail) where no valid path exists! Actors {'x': (<weakref at 0x1d9f11f18; to 'object_sim' at 0x1a2ceec90>, None, <AnimationParticipant.ACTOR = 101>), 'treadmill': (<weakref at 0x1d517a808; to 'object_treadmill_Rock_ClimbingWall' at 0x1c99e2ad0>, '1', <AnimationParticipant.TARGET = 103>)} (debug context: Interaction <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.treadMill_Rock_ClimbingWall_Mixers_Climb_Challenge_4'> on object_treadmill_Rock_ClimbingWall:0x05aa0d49eb560a58; id:32310, sim:), message : Exception running Element, name : Sim Timeline]
File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\log.py', line 854, in exception [ self : <sims4.log.Logger object at 0x16c5323d0>, message : Exception in {}: {}, exc : ASM :: TreadmillRockClimbingWall_Climb (HANDLE :: 51443)>: Attempt to traverse between two states (entry -> Fail) where no valid path exists! Actors {'x': (<weakref at 0x1d9f11f18; to 'object_sim' at 0x1a2ceec90>, None, <AnimationParticipant.ACTOR = 101>), 'treadmill': (<weakref at 0x1d517a808; to 'object_treadmill_Rock_ClimbingWall' at 0x1c99e2ad0>, '1', <AnimationParticipant.TARGET = 103>)} (debug context: Interaction <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.treadMill_Rock_ClimbingWall_Mixers_Climb_Challenge_4'> on object_treadmill_Rock_ClimbingWall:0x05aa0d49eb560a58; id:32310, sim:), level : 150, args : ('Sim Timeline', 'Exception running Element'), frame : <frame at 0x21e538040, file 'E:\\Builds\\MCCC_2021_2_1\\mc_cmd_center\\mc_injections.py', line 853, code inject_logger_exception>]
File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\elements.py', line 381, in _run [ self : <Gen; animate_states.<locals>.do_begin@145; dead>, timeline : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x1ab2a77d0>, pending_generator : <function animate_states.<locals>.do_begin at 0x1d44894d0>]
File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\animation_element.py', line 185, in do_begin [ timeline : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x1ab2a77d0>, arb_begin : <animation.arb.Arb object at 0x18127a290>, state : Fail, asm : ASM :: TreadmillRockClimbingWall_Climb (HANDLE :: 51443)>, begin_states : ('Fail',), enable_auto_exit : True, end_states : ('exit',), interaction : Interaction <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.treadMill_Rock_ClimbingWall_Mixers_Climb_Challenge_4'> on object_treadmill_Rock_ClimbingWall:0x05aa0d49eb560a58; id:32310, sim:]
File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\asm.py', line 1065, in request [ self : ASM :: TreadmillRockClimbingWall_Climb (HANDLE :: 51443)>, state_name : Fail, arb : <animation.arb.Arb object at 0x18127a290>, context : <AnimationContext: asms=['TreadmillRockClimbingWall_Climb'] refs=['AnimationContext'] request_id=3595>, debug_context : Interaction <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.treadMill_Rock_ClimbingWall_Mixers_Climb_Challenge_4'> on object_treadmill_Rock_ClimbingWall:0x05aa0d49eb560a58; id:32310, sim:, current_state : entry, result : 1, __class__ : <class 'animation.asm.Asm'>]