[NEEDS INPUT] Only one guest can be invited to stay the night
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All except Moschino, Realm of Magic and Island Living.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Have a household with at least two different sims. Get each of those sims to develop romantic interests with some other sims. Invite over their romantic interests and then try to use the option "invite to stay the night".
What happens when the bug occurs? Only one guest can be successfully invited to stay the night. After one sim accepts, the option will become unavailable for any other guests present on the lot, with the erroneous tooltip message that they're already spending the night (when they are not - they won't sleep and will leave after a short time).
What do you expect to see? In households with multiple sims, it should be possible for each couple to invite their significant others to stay the night.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No
For the social interaction "mixer_social_AskToStayTheNight_targeted_romance_highScore" (resource key: E882D22F-00000000-000000000001213D) there is this situation running test under Test Globals:
<V t="situation_running_test"> <U n="situation_running_test"> <V n="situation_blacklist" t="enabled"> <L n="enabled"> <T>40440<!--Situation_StayTheNight--></T> </L> </V> <V n="tooltip" t="enabled"> <T n="enabled">0xDD69D442<!--{1.SimFirstName} is already spending the night here.--></T> </V> </U> </V>
This makes the interaction check to see if ANY sim present on the lot is currently staying the night, and if it detects that is is true, it will lock out the interaction and prevent other sims from also being invited to stay the night.
There's also this piece of code earlier in the Test Globals:
<V t="situation_running_test"> <U n="situation_running_test"> <V n="participant" t="enabled"> <E n="enabled">TargetSim</E> </V> </U> </V>
It's a situation test, but only for the particular sim you have targeted and clicked on. But it doesn't specify which situation to test for, so I believe this doesn't actually do anything and is redundant code.
I believe these two pieces of code were meant to be unified like this:
<V t="situation_running_test"> <U n="situation_running_test"> <V n="situation_blacklist" t="enabled"> <L n="enabled"> <T>40440<!--Situation_StayTheNight--></T> </L> </V> <V n="participant" t="enabled"> <E n="enabled">TargetSim</E> </V> <V n="tooltip" t="enabled"> <T n="enabled">0xDD69D442<!--{1.SimFirstName} is already spending the night here.--></T> </V> </U> </V>
This will make the interaction check to see if the situation is running, but only on the specific target sim you have clicked on and are trying to invite to stay the night, instead of a general zone-wide test. This enables multiple sims to run separate instances of stay the night invitations.
This is how I believe the interaction is intended to work; it makes no sense to only allow one sim to stay the night and then lock down the interaction and show an incorrect tooltip message to other guests you're trying to invite to stay.