Forum Discussion

canelacaliente's avatar
6 years ago

[NEEDS INPUT] [S] [DU] Holiday Traditions Reset on Travel

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Expansions: Allout Game Packs: Spa Day, Strangerville, Parenthood Stuff Packs: My First Pet Stuff, Perfect Patio
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Holiday Traditions Marked Inactive due to University Living Now Required for Sim to Complete when... - Have a Sim enrolled in university travel to a different lot Completed Holiday Traditions Marked Incomplete when... - Have a Sim enrolled in university and living on campus travel to a different lot - Have a Sim enroll in university on a holiday and move to a dorm
What happens when the bug occurs? - Completed holiday traditions are no longer completed - Inactive holiday traditions are now required
What do you expect to see? - Inactive holiday traditions to remain inactive - Completed holiday traditions to not reset on travel
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. Installed patch:

Updated for clarity.  There is no spacing on the form so it looks jumbled.

5 Replies

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  • Both.  When I first enroll the students, the holiday traditions reset.  If I travel with a university student, the holiday traditions reset.

  • I play on PS4 and I've been having the same problem for quite a while. Sometimes the progress is saved and sometimes it isn't, as far as I can tell it's random, but I haven't paid much attention. 

    I complete the traditions (they get the gold tick/background turns gold, as well as the action of 'Tradition Completed'), then either travel, exit/renter the game or go into manage worlds- pretty much anything with a loading screen. Once I got back into playing the household the entire thing is reset, or certain traditions have regressed (from a golden tick, or the background indicating that the holiday has been sufficiently completed to maybe a couple traditions with that partial disappearing tick and others blank).

    Also, on big holidays sometimes you can complete just a couple of traditions for the background to turn gold, but once you go through a loading screen back to the household, the backround is gone but the traditions still completed. By the time the holiday is ended, the sad moodlet of a bad holiday with no or little traditions comes, but the gold tick/partial tick had still been there. 

    This can happen on every household/save I have played with sims of all ages, and not just on holiday traditions but sometimes on event progress, too.