Product: The Sims 4
Platform: PC(Win10,EA app)
Which language are you playing the game in?: English
How often does the bug occur?: Not sure
What is your current game version number?:
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed?: Now available HR, GPs, SPs and Kits
(Owned DLCs:
EP: All excluding HightSchoolYears & GrowingTogether
GP: All excluding RealmOfMagic, JourneyToBatuu
SP: Spooky, Backyard, VintageGlamour, Toddler, LandryDay, Moschino, TinyLiving, Paranormal
Kit: IndustrialLoft, Desert Luxe. Greenhouse Haven, Book Nook)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?: Harvest Prairie Grass All
What happens when the bug occurs?: Harvesting Prairie Grass with "Harvest All" will occasionally reveal a debug item. It seems to be called "string".
What do you expect to see?: Debug items do not come out even if harvested
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods?; Never used
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system?: After Update 07/18/2023
As mentioned above. Attached image that notification of discover the "string", and household inventory.