Forum Discussion
Noticed the same thing started happening to me over the last few days. Even disabled from the main menu, it is STILL messing up my game. This is unacceptable! Please fix this mess before we are all on SS.... Why is it always one step forward, two steps back with EA?
My Deaths are still happening, despite disabling any sort in Unplayed and Played Menus...
- MickCasanova3 years agoRising Scout
This is beyond ridiculous! EA, you need to stop adding more garbage to this game and fixing what you've broken. This new feature is causing a mess. It cannot be turned off despite the settings you've provided. There are so many things you've busted in the last few updates that I've lost count. Mannequins come to mind... STILL can import a store with mannequins without the game crashing... Now this stupid stories mess? This has become a real dumpster fire. FIX IT!
- 3 years ago
After frustration I also disabled Move In and Move Out, yet It is stilll keep finding perfectly well suited families moved out of perfect houses into the homeless world, and it did it not once but twice in 1 day. I had 2 families to find and save them.
It will mess up your neighborhoods and living arrangements if you don't monitor it, check mailbox daily. Save, Exit, go to World Screen, Fix the unwanted change(s), and while your at the world screen you might as well Double-Check again if the option was DISABLED which of course it was then Continue playing.
- xochiquetzl_xkvn3 years agoSeasoned Ace
Y'all, if you're rotational players and planning on playing a household later, I would recommend clicking the heart in manage worlds to move them to your households and protect them.
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