Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
9 years ago

[OPEN] [CL] ServiesNPCs don`t appear on parties in apartments


Partyhelpers don`t appear on parties in appartements (No caterer, no mixer, no entertainer). Therefore it is really difficult to make a good party.

Steps you took for Issue to occur

Play bigcityliving in different appartements on different saves.

Where does the bug occur ?

In all kinds of appartements (don`t know if in the penthouse too). All kinds of parties.


No Mods or CCs used, vanilla game.

Expansion Packs/Game Packs/Stuff Packs

Gaumenfreuden, An die Arbeit, Zeit für Freunde, Großstadtleben +  Romantische Garten- und Heimkino-Accessoires

Occurring since

i first played bigcityliving

Operating system

 Windows 7, 64-bit

9 Replies

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  • I cannot duplicate this.

    The caterer appeared just fine

    Did you also test this on a new game (started after the patch) ?

  • Anonymous's avatar
    9 years ago

    Okay, after creating a whole new gamefolder and starting absolutely new it worked. Sorry.

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago

    Does it now work in your existing game ? Without adding anything else back ?

  • Anonymous's avatar
    9 years ago

    The first party i did in the new game was a wedding party, every three helpers arrived just fine...

    BUT after playing longer in this family (10 Sims days) the "Hausparty" i arranged was missing the caterer the whole time and the mixer appeared after half of the party. I´m going to check on  a birthday party, as soon as i play again (probably tuesday)

    edit: i always do parties with the maximum numbers of guests and no, i didn`t add anything back. I´m playing on a totally new folder

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago

    So it's on/off ?

    Maybe it's too many Sims for the apartment ?

    Can you test if they reproducibly appear if you invite fewer guests ?

    Did you delete your olds save game or do you still have the issue there all the time ?

  • Anonymous's avatar
    9 years ago

    So now i tried another birthday party on the total new game and this time mixer and entertainer were coming just fine but caterer was missing the whole party long. This time it was only 6 guests and three played sims in the appartement.

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago

    OK. I guess I'll add this for now

    Could you test if this is limited to apartments ?

    EDIT: Added

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago


    Did yesterday's patch change anything for you ? If not, would you be willing to share your save ?

  • Anonymous's avatar
    9 years ago
    i hire caters but they never show up after dec. 1 2016 pdate patch.