Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
9 years ago

[OPEN] Custom Music doesn't play on Next Song

I've been having a glitch with the in-game stereo in the last month or so. I think it's with my custom music, because it plays the regular Sims 4 songs normally. But when it plays my custom music, when I select "Next Song" on the stereo, no sound will play. This may happen just once or multiple times in a row, but generally it's consistent.

Yes, my computer has the specs to run the game. Yes, I have mods, but no huge game-changing mods. It's mostly just cc like clothes, makeup, etc. (about 320-something.) I really don't think that's it. Maybe it's an update glitch, I don't know. As for how many custom music files I have, it's 110. They're all the correct file type and kbps.

I heard you can fix sound problems by deleting the options.ini file, but does it reappear?

Thanks in advance.

6 Replies

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  • Yes, the options.ini re-appears. Not sure if it will help though

    Have you tried without any custom content to see how that works out ? Have you tried narrowing down if it's just certain songs or random ?

  • Anonymous's avatar
    9 years ago

    @crinrict I did try to take all my mods out, but the stereo still loses its sound when I pick Play Next. It's weird, because if I just let the stereo switch songs by itself it's fine, but that button doesn't seem to work for me with custom music.

    And no, it's no specific song.

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago

    Does it matter which folder you use ? (aka category)

  • Anonymous's avatar
    9 years ago

    No, it's any music category; Spooky, S-pop, etc. Whatever I put my custom music in, and usually I don't mix my custom music with EA music, I uncheck the EA music in that category. So I know it's just the custom music.

    It usually has a pattern of  no sound>sound>no sound>sound, etc. if I click on "next" multiple times in a row, though sometimes it does no sound multiple times in a row.