Forum Discussion
Could you upload your Sim to the gallery ?
I just loaded CAS with any random sim (the ones it generates) they all seem to have it, even different body types etc.
It may be most noticeable on a sim with max muscle however, but I definitely see it on the other body types.
I can still upload my sim however if you want to try that. Well I did, its called "Broken" so you can see just in case.
One thing I noticed though is that in general its actually quite hard to spot when you're in CAS. That and I don't think its a texture, I think the part of the body when the shirt is on doesn't recieve lighting properly? Which is why it must be more noticeable in game play with there's a bit more variation with light.
I've ran two game repairs since I noticed this issue with the shirt and in both times I still see the issue with and without mods so I find it really odd in general, but I think it is something to do with the way the part receives light now rather than just a texture which is what I thought it was initially. Could be both but something is definitely wrong with it in my game.
Just in case if you can have a try again in game play too if you haven't? If its an issue only I'm having I find it odd after two game repairs that it hasn't fixed. It may just be a case of being hard to notice?
But thank you!
- crinrict7 years agoHero+I tested in game actually.
But as it's subtle, I might just not see it.
Maybe someone else could test too ?- 7 years ago
Hopefully someone else can also take a look, I find it odd, I hope its just that its subtle because if its something more I am sincerely confused very confused, thank you for trying to check it out too!
- Phantomlover17177 years agoHero+
Tested, I see it too!
It's better to go in game and use tab to really get in there. This is on a GeForce GTX 1050, In game settings on 'High'. Uncompressed Sim Textures and Post Processing Effects on.
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