Forum Discussion

thunder11433's avatar
3 years ago

[OPEN] [MWS] Socials for vow renewal available between Married Sims

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All except for Bust the Dust, Throwback Fit Kit, Modern Menswear and Moonlight Chic Kit
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Create an engaged couple in CAS, then go into live mode. Have them get married (doesn't matter in what way), then click on one of the sims and click on their spouse to view the Friendly interactions. May also happen with pre created married couple in CAS also, but have not checked that.
What happens when the bug occurs? The "Ask to be Flower Pal at Vow Renewal", "Ask to be Officiant at Vow Renewal" and "Ask to be Sim of Honor at Vow Renewal" interactions are available for married sims to use on their spouse, when it should only be available on other sims. (see attached screenshot - note the sim selected is married to the active sim). The "Congratulate on Marriage" interaction is also available, but I am not sure if this is intentional or not.
What do you expect to see? Those interactions should not be available on the spouse, only on other sims (friends/family members etc).
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. Updated to the most recent patch (1.94.147 patch)

From what I can tell, the latest patch added a new display name override to these interactions (which is something that changes what the interaction name is based on a number of tests - this seemed to be to fix the original bug that caused certain wedding socials to show up where they shouldn't), but these interactions seem to have no tests to check the relationship between the sims in question (ie to check if they are married to each other). It should be a fairly simple fix, by adding a test set like what's in the spoiler below (either in a TestSetInstance snippet and referencing it in the interactions, or directly place it in the interactions' test_globals)

  <L n="test">
      <V t="relationship">
        <U n="relationship">
          <T n="num_relations">0</T>
          <U n="prohibited_relationship_bits">
            <L n="match_any">
              <T>15822<!--romantic-Married--></T> # checks what relbit to block interaction for, in this case, being married
          <L n="subject">
            <E>Actor</E>                       #subject and target_sim ensure that the test only fails if the sims are married to each other, not that they just happened to be married
          <L n="target_sim">
          <T n="track">16651<!--LTR_Romance_Main--></T>

 Edit By Crinrict: Added Tag to Title, adjusted title a bit

9 Replies

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  • @thunder11433 Since the interaction shows up also on other Sims without their even being a Vow renewal Event going on, I'd say that interaction is generally wrong.


    Also linking this for reference as for non-english games the translation is missing:

    EDIT: Seems engaged Sims also have the interactions without the event actually being scheduled so it's probably by design that you can ask anyone before even scheduling one and as thunder said it's just the between married couple that's still an issue. I personally think it just clutters up the menu and the option should only be there if you actually scheduled something.

  • daikoyu's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    3 years ago

    I agree with @crinrict this topic should only be visible if sims schedule a vow renewal. And if this is to hard give us just a sub menu named Wedding. As it now is, it is frustrated and clutter the friendly social wheel. (Specially annoying if you play with Traditional Social Menu)

  • I did some more digging into this, and I made some more discoveries;
    The problematic interactions seem to be tied to a pair of buffs sims get when they get married (buff_hidden_Married and buff_hidden_Married_Newlywed); usually this wouldn't be an issue for other interactions, however since buffs cannot have tests for interactions, it relies on the interactions themselves having tests to make sure they show up only when they are supposed to. The tests for the interactions in question seem to be very lenient and do not take into account if any wedding/vow renewals are scheduled in the calendar. After playing around with a number of different tests, I found something which seems to work - a drama node test can be used to check for scheduled events - see spoiler below:

      <L n="test">
          <V t="drama_node">
            <U n="drama_node">
              <L n="drama_nodes">
              <V n="situation_type" t="enabled">
                <T n="enabled">280415<!--situation_CustomGoals_PrePostWeddingParties_VowRenewal--></T>
          <V t="drama_node">
            <U n="drama_node">
              <L n="drama_nodes">
              <V n="situation_type" t="enabled">
                <T n="enabled">274625<!--situation_custom_state_wedding--></T>

    While this prevents the interactions from showing up if no vow renewal or wedding is scheduled, it unfortunately still has some limitations if there is more than 1 married or engaged couple in the household - both couples will still get the interactions even if only one has a scheduled vow renewal or wedding. However I have not yet been able to find a way to limit it on a per couple basis, as using the situation_host variant would generally result in only one sim in the couple having access to the interactions and not the other, which is also not what we want. Also, it seems that there is no drama node specific to vow renewals (both wedding and vow renewals fall under the playerPlannedWeddingDramaNode) so that there is no way to have a test specific to it (further limited by the fact it is all one interaction, just with different display names). The only way I can see around that is to have a separate set of interactions entirely for vow renewals, and having the vow renewal be its own drama node.

  • Disappointing that multiple issues supposedly fixed in the patch are not fixed ☹️

    Thanks @thunder11433 forthe insight. 

    I just wanted to add that when we plan a wedding event using the Plan Wedding Event interaction or the Plan Social Event menu on the phone, we must then designate the officiant, flower pal etc right then, in that menu. The only sims available are those we have asked already. So it does need to be possible to ask people before planning the event. 

    I haven't yet done a wedding by planning in advance on the calendar, so can't comment on that way of doing it. 

  • thefailedbeta's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    3 years ago

    I'm also seeing the "Ask to Be [...] at Vow Renewal" problem between my married sims, as well as all sims. I have no Vow Renewal planned.

  • Product: The Sims 4
    Which language are you playing the game in? English
    How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
    What is your current game version number?
    What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? all except my first pet stuff and some kits
    Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? create a sim, have that sim marry a sim in game, look in conversation options
    What happens when the bug occurs? still see "make flowerpal" and other wedding planning chat options
    What do you expect to see? those option to no longer appear after marriage, especially if you say you already fixed it
    Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
    Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No

    have the latest patch, cleared the cache and am still seeing wedding planning options after marriage. no mods or cc. tried in new game, still happened. 

  • my bad, asking my wife to be the flower pal at her own vow renewal IS completely different

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