@PipMenace well, now that you mention it, she's a spellcaster, but in the past I've seen many spellcaster sims age up just fine...
But i can't even cheat age her up, it just wont work.. I'm to the point where I'll probably clear my cache, but i don't really feel like it'll work.
And to clear some questions, and re-state some things cuz I'm bad with words lol,
She's a teen sim, her life stage bar, which you see when you click on the simology panel with y, is completely full, when you hover over it with the cursor it says "Your sim is ready to age up!.."
And with her Sisters; One which is her younger sister who just aged into a teen, and the other who is already a young adult, all the age-up options are there when you click on the cake.
Like tasting the frosting, make a wish whatever.
I think it could be a part of the patch that just came out, because for some reason the sisters i mentioned, plus their mother all aged up on the same day which really weirded me out.
If anyone can help me figure this out I'd deeply appreciate it thx!
Oh plus I've been trying my best to keep all my mods up to date sooo...