Forum Discussion
If you start a new save for testing purposes, do you have the same issue ?
Is it just your household Sims or also the NPCs ? What traits do they have ? Would be good to know.
- 3 years ago@crinrict I've only had them together in a couple of lots since I got them into couples (their home lot and one other lot) and it happened in both. I have not had this happen with NPCs, only with the other members of the household, but I haven't had them interact much with NPCs. I have a Maker/Freegan/Creative, Art Lover/Gloomy/Creative, Green Fiend/Recycle Disciple/Loves Outdoors, Self Assured/Good/Outgoing, High Maintenance/Vegetarian/Lactose Intolerant, and Ambitious/Cheerful/Bro. I left them all with the default orientation, and haven't had any of them interact with anyone romantically before their current partners. 5 of them are all nearly 100% in friendship with each other, while the 6th I moved in a little later and is high friendship with a couple of them and just acquaintances with the others. None of them had any romantic bars until recently when I coupled them up, and I've only told them to do anything romantic when they are one-on-one with their designated partner. Before they were coupled up, if they got flirty from watching Romance or something, I'm not sure if they were flirting autonomously with each other or not (as there wasn't anyone to get mad about it), but they never developed any Romance bars if they did. They live in a small house with one living room, so they are often all together and will autonomously get flirty interacting with their SO or from watching something on TV and then go and flirt with one of the the others, making both of their partners mad and dropping their romance bars if they are in the room. It is a nearly constant occurrence.
I haven't had a chance to test this out with another save or anything yet, I'll add that info in when I do.- crinrict3 years agoHero+@keljopy Would be good to know if it's something related to the lot/Sims or a general issue.
So yeah, let us know what you find with different Sims/Saves/Lots- 3 years ago@crinrict I started a completely new game, made a new family with four people and stuck them in a small house (in a Willow Creek, while my other save family is in Evergreen Harbor). I cheated them all to 100% friendship, but then paired them off and stuck two outside, two inside (so there wouldn't be any accidental crossover interactions) and spammed romance until each couple had a full romance bar, asked to be bf/gf, first kisses/woohoo done, etc. I had all four of them watch a romance movie so they would all be flirty, then turned high speed on and let them make their own choices. They moved to sit around the table and have a four way conversation and within about 20 game minutes, one member of couple B decided to flirt with one member of couple A. The only difference was the significant others in this family got sad instead of angry.
I did some more searching, and it seems like the update that added the loyal trait that changed all the mean interactions so some people are experiencing sims being mean to each other all the time also changed all the romance interactions. Most people are talking about the mean sims, but a few others are having the romance problem. In adding the Loyal trait, it sims like they decided to make every other sim in the game a very disloyal cheating * and it makes the game pretty much unplayable.
- JonaO7032 years agoHero
I added my "me too" though I'm not sure it's a "bug". The autonomous flirting has always been an issue in my game. Regardless, like others who've posted here, I would like the flirting to be toned down. It is excessive and just made worse since sentiments were introduced.
It would be great if...
... conversation interactions excluded flirting for played sims (only available to select manually if desired, especially when game autonomy is switched off).
... conversation interactions excluded flirting by NPCs when sims are in a romantic relationship (unless those sims' relationships include romance or sims have the player trait).... sims in a romantic relationship rejected flirty interactions (unless the sims' relationships include romance or sims have the player trait).
... there was an option to disable sentiments completely (the flirty moodlets from romantic sentiments are out of control; plus sentiments in general are the bane of my gameplay).
- birti672 years agoNew Rookie
Jeg er enig i den overdrevne flirte ri. Jeg har ligeledes altid haft problemet i mit spil. (Har spillet sims4 siden det udkom.) For længe siden havde jeg en episode (juleaften) manden var pludselig i saunaen med sviger faderen, vupti - fuld romantik. Ødelagt familie. Jeg lukkede spillet ned uden at gemme. Flere spildte spilletimer. Sauna har ikke været i mit hus siden. Dengang havde jeg ikke en juleaften med bedsteforældre på besøg uden en evindelig flirte ri, og serenadesang. Samme flirten også i forhold til børn.
Nuværende er jeg begyndt at afstille deres romantiske interesse inde i LES. Kun interesseret i Juhuu. Når begge parter har de efterfølgende kun 2 interaktioner i romantik. Herefter kan jeg vælge at blive juhuu partnere. Der giver et helt uromantisk, men kærligt forhold. Der kan også vælges "få et barn". Så de kan altså blive forældre. Jeg gør dem til ægtefæller i LES.
Altså ikke flere romantiske bryllupper hos mig.
ALLIGEVEL, selv om bedsteforældre, venner og sågar rancharbejderen har samme indstilling, så hænder det fortsat at de kommer til huset, top romantiske. I vores danske forhold, ville de - i samværet med mine børn - straks blive anholdt for pædofili. Min teenagerdatter blev udsat for en meget kort henvendelse fra en ukendt teenager, der "pustede hjerter" i hovedet på hende, og vupti, havde de fuld romantik. Dette på trods af, at hun ikke var tiltrukket af piger.
Selv om denne indstilling stort set fjerner den daglige flirten, så er den åbenbart så vigtig en del af EA' indstilling til sex/kærlighed, at den ikke kan fjernes. Jeg er fuld af undren, og foragt overfor denne holdning.
Jeg ved der er børn ned til 11-12 års alderen der spiller SIMS. Jeg forstår ikke det ikke bliver stoppet.
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