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I agree with the excessive flirting. I have always had the problem in my game as well. (Played sims4 since it came out.) A long time ago I had an episode (Christmas Eve) the husband was suddenly in the sauna with the father-in-law, whoops - full romance. Broken family. I closed the game without saving. More wasted gaming hours. Sauna has not been in my house since. Back then, I didn't have a Christmas Eve with visiting grandparents without constant flirting and serenading. The same flirtation also in relation to children. Currently, I'm starting to settle their romantic interest inside the LES. Only interested in Juhuu. When both parties subsequently have only 2 interactions in romance. After this, I can choose to become juhuu partners. That makes for a completely unromantic, but loving relationship. You can also choose "have a child". So they can become parents. I make them spouses in LES. So no more romantic weddings for me. YET, even though grandparents, friends and even ranch hands have the same attitude, they still happen to come to the house, super romantic. In our Danish relationship, they - in the company of my children - would immediately be arrested for pedophilia. My teenage daughter was subjected to a very brief approach from an unknown teenager who "blow hearts" in her head and voupti, they had full romance. This despite the fact that she was not attracted to girls. While this setting pretty much removes the daily flirting, it's obviously such an important part of EA's approach to sex/love that it can't be removed. I am full of wonder and contempt for this attitude. I know there are children up to the age of 11-12 who play SIMS. I don't understand it not being stopped.
Ugh, yes! It's super annoying. My married couple moved in, their neighbors Eliza and Bob Pancakes came in the welcome wagon and at no time at all my sim was autonomously flirting with Bob in front of Eliza and her own husband! Like for one second when I don't babysit their conversation, they flirt and suddenly the spouses are super hurt and angry and have negative sentiments and it's all so so annoying as I didn't intend any of it at all. Makes simple conversations with taken sims so difficult! And this is a relatively new bug for me, I haven't had this problem always.
- simsplayer8182 years agoHero
I've done some testing on this at the weekend and I picked Sims I've created before in previous games. I'd created the wife already in this game as a married character on a break from her husband and wearing a wedding ring, then I added her husband later and will add their children next. (She has a huge family so they are added in batches).
Anyway I edited her Likes to say that she disliked Flirty Interactions and Romance Enthusiasts. I created him with the same Dislikes but also added the Unflirty Trait for him.
I noticed that this stopped conversations from becoming Flirty and stopped the flirty moodlets. But it did not stop the flirty interactions, even with my babysitting the queue they still kept popping up. She was blowing kisses for example and he was getting very upset and this resulted in the conversation becoming Awkward. He then got the Hurt sentiment towards her. I found it helped to get him to share insecurities. But in another conversation he autonomously stood up and attempted a Mistletoe Kiss, which clearly makes no sense.
So Unflirty doesn't stop the flirty interactions unfortunately although it should, it just makes the Unflirty Sim upset and makes everything awkward. There's a massive link here IMO with autonomy being really broken. Not only do they say things that are not in keeping with their personality, but it happens much more frequently than it should. It really does mean you can't turn away from their chats, autonomous chat will even replace actions that I've queued. To get the Unflirty trait to be of use, it would take a lot of micro managing discussion queues.
If autonomy off was definite and effective I think it would be the biggest help here. Also these Sims and the Sim I've added images of in my earlier post, they've all been created before. So I can see the difference in them now as opposed to in 2018 in the case of the flirty mother I added a while ago. The flirting to these levels and with this amount of autonomy is definitely worse now than it has been.
- birti672 years agoNew Rookie
Jeg kan se at dine simmere har den røde flirte-streg, det skal du forhindre. De skal fra starten være indstillet begge to, til ingen flirt, kun juhuu interesser. Så kan du under romantik spørge om, juhuu interesser og romantiske interesser. Når de begge to kender det, om hinanden, kan du (jeg tror det er under omsorg) spørge om at blive juhuu partnere. Derefter gifter jeg dem i CAS, og der er aldrig romantiske interaktioner mellem dem. Du kan sætte deres forhold til at være tæt, de får da et fantastisk varmt og kærligt forhold. Kan dyrke juhuu, uden at involvere resten af verden med romantik. Du kan herefter under romantik se et felt med "fysisk intimitet" her kan du vælge at få et barn. De kan altså få børn helt på vanlig vis.
Men hvis du ikke spiller med dem mere, måske bedsteforældre der kommer på besøg, ja så ophæves denne indstilling åbenbart, og de kommer * flirtende på besøg. Så har jeg muligheden for at sende dem hjem. Dette her har holdt flørterier mellem mine simmere væk. Men stadig kan de i et ubevogtet øjeblik se romantikkanalen på TV, så er de flirtende. Det fortæller lidt om, hvor stærk denne "tvangsfølelse" er fra EAs side.
- simsplayer8182 years agoHero
I'm testing this currently on a couple with no romance likes or dislikes, no romantic traits or anti romance traits, no loyal trait or romance aspirations. They're just a regular couple but they won't be having children.
I just want to test it to get the scale of the problem with the autonomous flirting and see what I can do in the game to mitigate the effects so that they can socialise with others. It's impossible. I cannot calm these two down enough to let them even have family over. I designed the lot with seating at the front of the house and a huge porch/bridge so they can chat with people without being near each other because if they've interacted or been in the house together before meeting others I can't let them chat with anyone else. They're too flirty. I had to get them to elope as I couldn't have a wedding for them. With another couple I might have risked it but this is my central family.
I sent them to a science park to collect prints from the observatory/microscope and I've had to change the lot type so that it doesn't get other visitors because they are so flirty and autonomous conversations keep popping up with random Sims. They get more and more flirty just using the park equipment without even interacting. They just have to be in the same space or have to have spoken to each other. I'm letting his conversation meter drop until he's lonely (she has the Needs No-one trait) but he's still flirty until it drops to zero and he becomes sad.
I've played this couple in my previous save games and they are part of a huge family with whom they would regularly socialise, this problem is definitely worse this year.
After exhaustive testing I've found that repeated Cold showers are not working at all, just like Unflirty isn't working and just as the romance dislikes are not working either (as I previously mentioned).
I hope this info is useful in reaching a solution for the problem.
Edit: my Unflirty Sim woke up Flirty (see attached). He also still has the Feeling Hurt by another Sim moodlet after all of the awkward conversations with his wife. Whenever she is near he gets that feeling. She constantly has to do Smooth Apology. But he has the same boosting +Flirty moodlet as his overly flirty brother in law and it may be useful in fixing the problem. They both get the Milestones moodlets when they are Flirty. So I think Growing Together may be causing it because I seem to recall that Milestones arrived with Growing Together or the associated patch. Just a thought 🤔.
After adding For Rent I've had a Sim get a Romantic Interest just walking down the street. A friend spoke to her as she was leaving the night market and before I knew it he gave her a rose from nowhere and she autonomously held his hands. Then romantic interactions popped up one after another. She wasn't in a Flirty mood. I wasn't too happy about it but her personality is super nice and friendly and I decided to add him to the game, update his look and career and get him a flat since he has a nice personality too. I just thought I give up!
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