Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
9 years ago

Pizza guy

Hi! I play the sims 4, and I wanted to order my sim some pizza as i've seen you tubers playing the sims 4 of it for their sim. I went onto the phone, but the option wasn't on the phone.. I checked  all of the different groups on the phone.. Social, travel career/household, and entertainment, but it wasn't under any of those. I don't have any other groups on my phone. Is this a glitch, or am I missing something?

5 Replies

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  • Anonymous's avatar
    9 years ago

    If you mean a mod by an expansion pack, yes. "Get to work." I also have the movie one.

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago

    No, I mean third party content you added to your mods folder.

    It should be under Hire a service

  • Anonymous's avatar
    9 years ago

    I don't have hire a service. As I said before, the only phone options I have are Social, travel, career/household, and entertainment.

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago

    Should be under household.


    Try resetting your user files as described in the factory reset described in this post:

    You won't loose anything. Just make sure to not delete any files  and make a backup.

    Try on a new game with nothing added back first (start new game). If it works, put back your save game and try again. If it still works, you can start putting stuff back.

    • Options.ini (or just re-set all your settings manually)
    • Tray Folder
    • Screenshots/Videos/Custom music
    • Rest of the save games (leave out which is the autosave)
    • Custom content like clothing, hair, skins, make up ....
    • Mods (one by one, making sure they all still work)

    The rest does not need putting back, cause they are mostly cache files that recreate or log files that are not needed for the game.