Forum Discussion

TheNUBalicious's avatar
Rising Adventurer
7 years ago

Re: [ARCHIVED] Autonomy and Simulation Lag

My Sims were stuck yesterday. My Sim went to use the bathroom, and she was acting like she was actually stuck, like on the rug by the toilet. They've not done that before, I had to reset object her a few times and then teleport her to the middle of the room.A puddle also appeared behind her on the floor, but she didn't go to the bathroom so I don't know where that came from either. Are Sims being reported getting stuck on objects that use MOO? It was just a rug by the toilet, but she was stuck on it. The other Sims were frozen at same time this happened, but then they unfroze and went about what they were doing, but my other Sim was just stuck standing at the toilet. She just became pregnant, I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. And my Sim's lot does have a lot of objects on it, but I've had a Sim on a completely new empty lot I loaded to test do the same thing, so I don't think it's that causing the freezing. So I'm reporting that my Sims are freezing at random times, and also reporting that I believe my Sim was getting stuck on an object that moveobject was used on or a puddle that was on the floor for unknown reasons. 

Also my pregnant Sim has a button option to throw up now? Is that a new thing or a bug? They never had that before, although I would kinda like it as an option for all the Sims because it's kinda funny :D 


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