Forum Discussion
60 Replies
- Avanthalas4 months agoSeasoned Vanguard
@EA_Cade wrote:
Hi @lenoracarrington,
Apologies, we haven't forgotten about you. At this time we believe the data provided from other platforms will also help determine the root cause for console as well.
I'll share any information I get.Could you PLEASE also say whether or not we will be given additional time to complete the event after things are fixed so we could all stress out a little bit less? Please?
- @EA_Cade thank you! I really appreciate this
Sincerely hope we get some information for console soon. Was beyond upset last week when my Xbox lost the event tasks and then compounded with the fact that the buy one get one free on expansion packs in the Xbox Microsoft store was ALSO glitched and inaccessible and never got any resolution from Microsoft on that (thank goodness EA decided to run a sale the week after) but it’s seriously stressing me out that I might get the same cold shoulder treatment from EA in regards to the event rewards as Microsoft gave everyone with the sale being inaccessible (which was a big *kick rocks*)
Was there a solve found for consol players? Because I missed out last week and now it's still isn't showing up for this week I wasn't able to complete the angel fish tasks even tho I caught an angel fish and this week it's still not showing up with tasks just the grim tab
- RachelEMat7904 months agoSeasoned Traveler
I am on PS4.
I had sims move houses to try to fix the video station issue where they could not edit or delete videos on the video stations.
I did have letters from the ambrosia society in my sims inventory after checking the mail box when they moved back. (There were 3 letters)
I had my sim read the letter and it disappeared.
That's when I noticed the plumbobs were not there.
I then tried to catch the Angel fish to see if that might help.
I also have been making ambrosia with this sim for a while. I have this sim go around ghosts in game an realive them.
I started a new save to see if that would help and the plumbobs were not there for the quests.
I will go back through my live streams to see if I can find more information and reply to this if I see anything.
Is there any news about the event being fixed or a way to fix on your own on console?
- TLewis644 months agoRising Newcomer
I did the moving of the folder, and now I can't get to any of my saved games. All I did was move the folder to my desktop...
- @TLewis64 You'll have to replace the newly created folder in Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4 with ur old desktop folder to use your original saves. Moving your og folder to desktop will create a new folder so its basically like playing a brand new version of the sims 4 without your stuff.
- @TLewis64 You don’t want to move your folder, you need to copy your saves (like the entire folder of saves) then create a new folder on your desktop and then paste all the saves in that folder. Then go into the electronic arts/saves folder and delete all the saves IN the folder, not the folder itself. Then go into your game, start a new random save (title whatever you want) then save and exit the game. BUT MAKE SURE you have “custom content/mods” and “script mods” deselected in the game options.
Then go and copy all of your old saves and paste them back into the TheSims4/Electronic Arts/saves file. Then go and start your game again. Load into the save that you were playing the event on, wait a few minutes and it should reset and pop up with the quests.
I hope this helps. - @megzonian86 Not so far unfortunately, I think I did see on a reddit page and on the Sims Direct twitter page that it might be getting fixed in the next Patch but who knows honestly.
So frustrating I hope they give us a chance to catch up...
Yea, bc it’s been not working for several weeks for me. I haven’t been able to do anything but like 2 tasks for the entire event.
Hello! I play on Xbox and I'm having the same issues. I could complete the first week no problems, but now I can't summon the Grim Reaper with the Grimphone and no tasks show up. I'm really bummed because there's some really cool stuff, but I feel like I won't be able to get them before the even ends ☹️
I was able to complete week 1 & 2. After I read the intro to the book for "Learning from the lady," I no longer had the Newsletter and the option to get a replacement Newsletter disappeared from the mailbox. I am stuck in Week 3 with one task completed and no way to finish the remaining weeks. So frustrating. I sure hope there will be extra time after EA has fixed the event so those that have been bugged out can finish it.- @EA_Cade Has there been a solution for console players yet? Will we all on all platforms be given additional time to complete the event?? Please help us all. 🥹🥹🥹🥹
- @EA_Cade Any updates for console players? I'm on Xbox and this started happening to me after the 10/22 update. It may or not be related, but coincidentally, this was also the first time that I didn't complete all of week's tasks before the next week started. I'm stuck with Week 4 uncompleted.
- nyiaswill14 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Been having this issue for awhile
- @EA_Cade I'm on PS5 and haven't had any tasks since the first week. Have no idea how to share what's going on, but obviously, no mods or cc, and I can't do anything behind the scenes since I'm on a console. I really want to do this event and have logged in most days. Now it is coming to an end soon and I don't see a solution.
- RachelEMat7904 months agoSeasoned Traveler
@EA_Cade is there any updates?
- Breadwinka4 months agoRising Traveler
my guess is they will just put all the rewards into the base game like last event, cause they seem to not be able to do an event without it bugging out for alot of the player base.
- PrincessaAqua144 months agoRising Novice
I'm having this same issue on X-box. It's almost over now and I've only been able to get 6 items this whole time. The problem occurred for me after I added a restaurant from build mode, if that helps. (I was going to add a screenshot, but the file is too large.)
- @PrincessaAqua14 I finally solved this issue with the help from another post. Click this url and then scroll to the bottom of the screen, and click quests are not displayed/missing plumbobs.
Any fixes yet for console yet?
COME ON EA can you give us some sort of update to say this problem is at least being looked at on console. You have so many posts here a day from console players and the silence is deafening.
- mumu6144 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
I'm on console and I reinstalled and nothing
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