Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [CD] Sims Can't Lecture/become companion for adopted Pets

I don’t know if anyone has found a fix, but I’m having the same problem. I adopted through the computer and a stray and I can’t become companions with them nor can I lecture them and my girls aspiration is: friend of the animals. I did however notice my other sim can lecture and become companions that doesn’t have the same aspiration. So maybe it’s just that aspiration?

5 Replies

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  • bookmaster325's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    7 years ago
    I don't think it's the aspiration but perhaps is tied to the person adopting. The sim (who has the fishing aspiration) that adopted the dog (through the computer service) has this bug, but the others can fully interact. And the adopted dog has the traits "friendly, playful and vocal".
  • mhorsten95's avatar
    7 years ago

    Hi @SimGuruIcarus !

    I would like to share my save file with you.

    The glitch appeared for me when I created a new save file after installing the Get Famous expansion pack and the terrain update. My young adult Sim with the aspiration Master Actor adopted two cats at the same time (one was a kitten, the other an adult). One cat has the traits: friendly, fluffy and talkative. The other has the traits: friendly, mischievous and glutton. I haven't got the option to lecture both. I'm also unable to become a companion with one of them. I haven't got this issue once before. I have all the expansion and game packs and and I am in possession of the stuff packs: Backyard Stuff and My First Pet Stuff.

    Hopefully my save file is useful. It concerns the Horsten family in Del Sol Valley.

    I hope I did this right and provided you with the right amount of information. I haven't done this before.