Re: [FIXED] [CL] [CD] Dogs can't use elevators
Another bug fix undone by something. I've got all expansions, game packs, and stuff packs to date. This one seems to keep getting undone. Could you please stop breaking The Sims 4 with old bugs? Dogs can't go potty again because they can't 'Go Downstairs' to do so. They complain that the elevator is inaccessible to them. I have to use a mod that places a newspaper indoors. I don't have any other Worlds using elevators besides San Myshuno city district.
Also, I really don't like having to enter codes for login when I've stated a thousand times to ignore this browser. My game is running and it takes a bunch of resources to have to open up email as well as a browser. I'm not using a free email agent. These verifications are for the birds and redundant.