Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] Harvestables disappearing from sims' inventory and chest inventory

I had a sim move home after university and all the fruits in his inventory disappeared, and I can't move anything out of his ICYA chest, except things where you can select "Place in World."

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  • I’m not sure if this started happening because of the patch earlier this month, or after I got university, because they were both around the same time. I’ve been playing my current save for 9 generations, and have passed down produce and other harvestables for at least 5-6 generations, so I had quite the stash, and now it’s almost all gone. It’s really upsetting because it lost my sim a lot of time and money. Now it seems they disappear every time I travel to a new lot, or start the game. It’s incredibly frustrating. 

  • @jesslikessims I am so sorry. I have a family where the parents are both in each side of the gardening career and their garden takes up 1/4th of a 60x60 lot. I lost a lot of saved produce and flowers myself, but I can't image 5 generations of it. The bad news is all of that is probably gone for good. The good news is EA announced in this thread they are aware of the problem and are fixing it. I'm not sure how long that will take, but at least we all know we were heard.

    As for if it was University or not, sadly, no. I thought the same, but someone on here doesn't even own University and has this bug. It seems to have come along with one of the many patches. An unpleasant, if you want to bother, work around seems to be putting it in your family inventory. Another, rather unhappy solution, is only working with normal quality produce if you want to add an extra bit to your garden for now. You can use your perfect things while gaming and then the normal will stick around whether you save and exit or leave your lot or not. I'd sell the perfects if you don't put them in your family inventory before leaving the game. At least you get the money that way.

    If you are feeling impatient, I grew one of every normal plant and uploaded them in their ready to harvest state. Just look up PriestessAvenara or the plant you want. My normal ones should be easy to find. I even grouped plants (fruits and veggies), trees (except plasma, that one is a stand alone only), herbs, magical plants, and vampire plants if you are feeling extra lazy about downloading one of each of a specific type.

    I was extremely frustrated and noticed no one had any normal plants up so I decided I'd do it for the community. Right now those seem to be our only options, but happy gaming and gardening anyway. You could always do what I did because I felt like I was ruining my own legacy game and make a temporary vampire challenge game where you can only feed on people, no plasma fruit or plasma bags. Play it how you want, evil or good, compel or ask or even frenzy. The only strict rules are getting rid of plasma bags, not making any, not growing or eating any plasma fruit, and enjoying the sims for the tasties they are.  *laughs* It's not AS fun as gardening and our long time games, but it's entertaining tying to convince people I've just met to let me feed on them. 😉