Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] Merging households through dialog doesn't proceed

When my sims ask another sim to move in, the screen where you can transfer sims to your household won’t close after - the buttons are all greyed out. I end up having to shut down my game and restart. This only started with the new patch & game. 

9 Replies

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  • emkate11237's avatar
    12 months ago

    I actually have this same problem now too... I tried twice - both times froze. I'm going to try a work around, but it sucks because I lost a lot of time the 1st try ☹️

  • This is ridiculous that the bug hasn't been addressed or fixed yet. It's been happening since December. The worst part is how it soft locks your game and your only choice is to Alt+F4 your way out, or lose your unsaved progress. Fix your game.

  • rdorka347's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    9 months ago

    It started to happen to me too, in different saves with different sims..

  • trintrinjoy's avatar
    9 months ago

    for me I'm trying to add Erwin Pries to my household. the problem is that he's treated like the grim reaper and father winter, so he doesn't show up as a household in the game so i cant go to manage worlds to cheat him into the household