Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [PS] [GRO] Puzzles are in black and white

Product: The Sims 4
Platform:PlayStation 5
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? Latest
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All packs but Star Wars
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? if you play with a puzzle from Growing Together, all puzzles on ps5 are in black and white. Every single kind. Including puzzle by reference but also all the other pictures. This is also an issue with cottage living cross stitching. And never got fixed.
What happens when the bug occurs? All puzzles are in black and white, including “puzzle by reference” from growing together. This has also been an issue with cross stitching since launch and was never fixed.
What do you expect to see? I expect to see a puzzle in color, like when I saw it on the live stream. This is so unfair. It makes puzzles and framing the puzzles seem pointless. If we can paint by reference and have that be in color, then why can’t we have cross stitching and puzzles be in color? It’s extremely unfair.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? On console - never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 

Yeah so we remember how the cottage living pack has the cross stitching and the cross stitching is in black and white on console. At least it is for me on PlayStation five. I have had many people agree it’s also happening to them on console. Well, just got growing together. Was excited to try the puzzle by reference feature but no, it was of course in black and white just like cross-stitch is. So unfair. I then made multiple other puzzles not using the puzzle by reference, and just doing the normal puzzles. Every single one is in black and white instead of color. Since it never got fixed for cottage living and that’s been years now, I’m sure this won’t ever get fixed. But it’s pretty upsetting and unfair to us console players. 

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  • Yeah I just figured this out as well. So unfair. I was so excited to frame the puzzles.

  • iamsweetmystery's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 years ago

    @baneville - So this is why my cross-stitch rainbows come out colourless? I always assumed it was a skill level thing. Now I'm even more miffed about it. They need to put graphics in the hands of the players instead of deciding what they think is best for us and robbing us of nice things. I'm having the same problems with cross-stitch, puzzles, and my tattoos have gone blurry ever since this graphics adjustment crap started going nuts. I have a Sim with an Inquisition arm tattoo that's barely more than a blob. If I didn't already know what it was, I would mistake it for an open wound.

  • All cross-stitch and puzzles appear in black and white. Not only does this make the activity not very fun but it also removes our option to make decor from our items. I have to use debug to replace them. 

    I know this is a lesser reported bug but that’s due to us console players feeling that reporting the bug won’t actually do anything.

    speaking to all of the console players I know we all experience this big.

    both cross stitch and puzzles were advertised as activities for Cottage Living and Growing Together. It really isn’t fair that as console players this has been allowed to continue for over a year. 

    I assume this isn’t the most complex issue to fix. And given that console are struggling so much it would be really nice if you could address some of our bugs and glitches instead of always focusing on the PC players issues. Please just give it a look?

  • iamsweetmystery's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 years ago

    @KirstyCurse - I'm not convinced it's a bug. I (and others) think it's deliberate. Stripping back graphics in assorted ways because they think it will lead to better performance on console. It doesn't, though, because the game just plain has an efficiency problem. When you have to sit through 2 minutes of loading screen just to get to the main menu, the graphics aren't the issue. I can play other games on PS4 that are open world, high-end graphics, high detail, high resolution, and without the lag and painfully long loading screens. The Horizon series is a prime example of this. The PC version also has a Graphics Settings submenu that console players are denied. Because I own both PC and PS4 version, I can easily compare and see the way console players are getting screwed over. They need to stop. Bad enough we're being robbed of mods (which Skyrim and Fallout 4 can do) and being penalized for using cheats (which the PC version doesn't) we're also being robbed of our graphics and any control over them.

  • KirstyCurse's avatar
    2 years ago

    Tbh who can really know? It seems like such a minor thing to remove as a performance thing given that we can get them in colour from debug. Although we certainly shouldn’t have to. 
    it’s just so unfair that we aren’t valued. Like many of us have paid our £1k like everyone else. There are so many bugs unique to console. Not to mention the controls. I wish there was a focus on fixing stuff rather than changing things that aren’t broken.

  • iamsweetmystery's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 years ago

    @KirstyCurse - A lot of us have been saying that for some time. They need to spend some time on dedicated bug-fixing, or assign a team specifically to fixing bugs as part of Quality Assurance separate from content development. It's not like EA/Maxis can't afford to hire a bug fix team, even as an outsourced contractor. Much like with Skyrim Unofficial Patch, modders are able to do these fixes on their free time. Clearly it can be done. The devs just won't bother.  Yet another example of EA's greed and corruption. When will they learn that quality products and good customer service are even MORE profitable than churning out content, and once the bulk of the bugs are fixed, people will want the new content even more because the game will play it even better than before.

  • Hi, sorry to dig this up from a few months ago, but this is the ONLY thing I can find from Google with a mention of debug. Are you able to pull completed, full-color cross stitch and puzzles from the debug menu on PS5? I could only find blanks.

    Product: The Sims 4
    Platform: PS5
    Which language are you playing the game in? English
    How often does the bug occur? 100% of the time
    What is your current game version number? unknown, but game is up to date as of 11/28/2023
    What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Everything EXCEPT a handful of kits, Horse Ranch, and Batuu.
    Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Have a Sim cross stitch, or build a puzzle, while playing a Console version of the game
    What happens when the bug occurs? The completed cross stitch or puzzle, regardless of state (framed/hanging/etc) are black and white/greyscale.
    What do you expect to see? The completed cross stitch or puzzle, regardless of state (framed/hanging/etc) should be in color.
    Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? N/A, Console
    Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? This has been consistent with each attempt since the release of Cottage Living.