Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [PS/XB] Game constantly crashing (Patch 1.69)

Hi, ever since the latest patch/update was released which I installed yesterday, the game now regularly crashes for no reason.  I've sent several error reports to Sony as each one has occurred.

Currently playing on PS5.

17 Replies

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  • All I can say is I can’t even get to build mode with the latest patch as it crashes consistently around every 15 minutes without warning. 

  • Since the new update (31st January 2023), my game constantly crashes. I’m playing on PS4. I can’t play for more than 2 minutes without it crashing.

  • I would love to give you some feedback, but unfortunately I haven't been able to enter build mode since the update, as my game crashes within minutes of loading. It's literally unplayable atm. (PS5)

  • It's fast becoming unplayable - 6/7 times it crashed last night.

    Another issue is that my trees (especially money trees) keep disappearing!

  • ArjiBarjix's avatar
    3 years ago

    I am having the exact same problem and I am on Xbox. 

    I did notice last night that if I played a single family household with no other families in the save then it would play for longer, but eventually crash around 30minutes in with absolutely no warning. 

    I always constantly get a screen appear saying they are changing my screen resolution and that was before the update, however I was told that was EA's way of avoiding the game crashing... But who knows. 

  • shawnaZ's avatar
    3 years ago

    So @EA are you going to ever tell us what happened and why are games arent working?? Or even fix them, its been waaay to long to still have ALL consoles unable to play. Or maybe just delete the update (ya know since you put it) until you can get a game tester to properly test your updates. So please EA say anything about this issue and dont just stay silent and hope for the best. Give us an ETA for when your mistake will be fixed say literally anything besides this is under investigation.

  • iamsweetmystery's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    3 years ago

    @shawnaZ Agreed. I don't like being kept in the dark. I've seen this sort of thing before. A couple of years ago Saints Row IV was crashing at the main menu after an update and it took them months to fix it. I don't want to see it happen again with the Sims. I don't think they can afford to ignore this for long, though. Not with preorders up for a new Game Pack set to release in 6 weeks. I know I'm not buying another scrap of content until this is put to rights.

  • So, after being unable to play since the HSY patch last year until January (only after I deleted my entire game and 200 Sims and started from scratch) it was working fine until this week's update. Now, this buggiest of all the buggy, buggy updates has caused me to start crashing again. It used to be build/CAS/travel but today it was totally random at the Blue Velvet at a social gathering, twice in 10 minutes. There was an unrelated club gathering with Partihaus there too but my Sim isn't in that club. She was there with the maximum number of friends she could travel with and I'd just renovated the Blue Velvet. I'd added a food stall, the one with falafel and kebabs and it was staffed. The Blue Velvet was busy and there was a DJ playing as I've added a DJ booth.

    I'm on Xbox Series S so can't share saves but from the sheer volume of console players affected on both this thread and the console controller feedback thread, I'm sure that we've given a lot of valuable and detailed information to help fix the problem.

    Edit: So I've tried a few different travel/social activities today to see what caused crashing. It crashed at Salty Paws Saloon with a small group, twice. It then crashed while visiting Discotheque Pan Europa alone. It hadn't been crashing on the home lot until today after my game installed a new SDX, it crashed when selecting Change Outfit on my Sim when she got home from work. The screen just shaded out, I attach an image.

    So gameplay is now really difficult and I switched to building a new lot instead which didn't crash but was horrible to use because of these ridiculous and illogical changes to controls and build mode which made me actually feel unwell because it's so unpleasant. This all needs to be addressed immediately. We've paid a lot of money for this and I'm furious someone has broken it.

  • Olala_1986's avatar
    3 years ago

    @iamsweetmysteryWhen game was crashing in 2020 after pre-Snowy Escape update, hot fix was available after about a week so I don’t think they will leave us with nothing for much longer. Still, a whole week seems like a long time if you really want to play the game. But SE crash was on all platform so maybe it was easier to fix. I would say next week we will get update (probably at the end) or max two weeks if problem is more complicated. My game crashed 3 times (before I turned it off) and every time it was not on a home lot (my two sims are at the Uni) so maybe it is connected with loading and traveling.

  • iamsweetmystery's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    3 years ago

    @Olala_1986 It doesn't seem to be connected to loading and travelling, at least by my experience. Only one of my 5 crashes happened mid-travel. One happened several minutes into a date, One happened several minutes into a festival, and the other two happened on my home lot.

  • cap5chaos's avatar
    3 years ago

    For me it seems random. I tried to see a connection somewhere. At one point I thought it was a sim using the shower that was doing it but then it happened again at another random point. I even made a new sim and moved them next door to another existing sim family I had a while. Seemed fine until he went up to a visiting sim to start a conversation and then came along the crash.

  • iamsweetmystery's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    3 years ago

    @cap5chaos - From everything I've read, it seems definitively tied to Live Mode, but no clear cause or connection beyond that. I went in this morning to get a couple of important things done (getting my character engaged to Megumi Ito and doing a household swap.) Megumi was already on my lot (so, clearly no traveling involved) and it crashed during the first proposal attempt. As I knew about the bug, I was making sure to save every single step along the way. Getting Romance a bit higher, save. Convincing Megumi to leave her husband, save. Marriage proposal accepted, save. Ask to move in and shift Household members, save. Very tedious for only a few minutes gameplay and with a crash in the middle.

  • KrispycleanKyle's avatar
    3 years ago
    @iamsweetmystery Yeah i had sims age with out me knowing. But thecrash made all there relationship progress disappear. And another one is unable to sleep
  • nh93xj's avatar
    3 years ago

    yes it is! i now try loading into my saved games and as soon as the intro music for the lot stops it immediately crashes. absolutely no way i can play it’s discouraging