Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [STEAM] [HR] Missing Text Strings

Despite being a long-time Sims fan, I haven't played a TS4 game on release day before. That's why I'm wondering if what's happening is more common or if something is actually wrong. 

I was able to install the game a couple of minutes past 7 pm CET, however, the game does not seem to be working properly. 

I can get the new aspiration, can move to the new neighbourhood, but it looks like a beta edition of the game: information is not filled out, actions are blanked out, furniture

is **debug**, goats are **debug** and strange family names. See the image for a collection. 

8 Replies

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  • WaruKyo's avatar
    2 years ago

    I have the same problem with the horse ranch pack and I bought another pack that's functioning perfectly.

  • pyrosia664's avatar
    2 years ago

    I have the same problem. Going to see if I can uninstall just that pack and reinstall it.

  • meli324's avatar
    2 years ago
    @Kpov08 1. Wie kann man das reparieren und 2. Ist es bei dir schon wieder "normal".
  • CappuccinoBambi's avatar
    2 years ago

    I tried the game on my laptop just now. It can run the sims, but not very well.

    The laptop has never had mods/CC installed and the only save file contains 1 family.
    Thought maybe my excessive amount of mods and CC on PC might have been the culprit, but that doesn't seem to be the case.