Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
7 years ago

Re: [FIXED] Unbreakable objects break and can't be repaired

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? Svenska
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All of them
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I think you could find it if place anything electoronic.
What happens when the bug occurs? Al the electronics keep breaking and is unrepaireble not even the hired repairservice could fix it. Fridge, computer, stero everything is unfixible. Witch makes the game a bit unplayble.
What do you expect to see? I expect to see that if my sims repair the steron it will be fixed, not instantly broken again. I also expect the repair services being abel to fix the issue.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. The sims 4 did an update patch in origin and then the game stoped working.

 The pc, stero and the fridge is showing broken in this picture, but even the tv is broken. The pile of trashes is showing she did try to repair it just, but still broken.

17 Replies

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  • Nuke615's avatar
    New Ace
    7 years ago

    My sims are now able to repair all items (electronics included).  The latest patch fixed almost everything I was experiencing.  I have noticed that a lot of electronics are breaking all at once...and some break after a reload.  This lot does not have the gremlin attribute.  But I don't have to replace items anymore when they break.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago

    *, my game don´t have an other update and is still just breaking al electronics and is still unfixible ☹️ Gues i have to await another update.

  • Nuke615's avatar
    New Ace
    7 years ago

    I dont have Season's either...I am finding upgrading is keeping things from breaking as much..still testing..but I am able to complete repairs.  As you can see, he has just completed one upgrade and is working on the 2nd stereo upgrade

  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago
    Oh i gues it is seasons then 🙂 since i have that and that is the update that crashed the game.
  • Nuke615's avatar
    New Ace
    7 years ago

    I want to get season,s but waiting for the bug issues to be worked out

  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago
    Seems like the smart thing to do 🙂
  • Nuke615's avatar
    New Ace
    7 years ago

    I was able to replace the items when I was unable to repair can use the "motherlode" command if you need cash for the replacements

  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago
    I did try to sell and buy new, but they still crash and break ☹️
  • Nuke615's avatar
    New Ace
    7 years ago

    you dont need to sell at all, you click on item and replace it if its broken..has to be placed in the house though..not in your inventory

  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago
    oh yeah! True, unfortunally it did not work ☹️ it does repair and then instantly break again :'(
  • Nuke615's avatar
    New Ace
    7 years ago

    if you can upgrade things, see if that helps...once my stuff is upgraded it rarely breaks..but again..I do not have Season's

  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago
    I will try that, hopefully it helps, but i am pretty sure it is a bug with seasons :P
  • I was able to get around that altogether by shift+left click and "Reset Object." Not a permanent fix but saves having to replace the item. 

  • limiV's avatar
    6 years ago

    I have similar issues. I ended up selling my speaker because no one could fix it, and now my hot tub is stuck in a similar situation. When my sim tries to fix it there's no progress bar around the action, and it never ends. I tried to find the "reset object" option but it just isn't there, not when following those instructions at least. I have tons of money and can afford to replace stuff, but this is still super annoying.

  • Nuke615's avatar
    New Ace
    6 years ago

    To enable TestingCheats, you first need to open the cheat console. On PC, you do this by holding Shift and Control, then pressing C

    To turn on TestingCheats, type the following code:

    testingcheats on

    To turn them off, type the following code:

    testingcheats off