Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] Unbreakable objects break and can't be repaired

Update to my post #70, upon further observation, I can confirm this issue has little to do with weather:-

  • Although my stereo breaks during raining/snowing several times, there are at least two separate incidents it broke during sunny and clear weather.
  • I tested it with 2 separate different stereos, one on the edge of a wall to the exterior while the other one next to a room, far away from the exterior space. Both of them broke around the same time intervals.

Thanks to temporary workaround from post #58 above, by moving the broken stereo slightly through the build mode, the stereo repairs itself without having to be replaced.   

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  • Pavor_Nocturnus's avatar
    7 years ago

    Have had my Firaxium Cabled stereo and Stereoed Hot Tub break on me. The Build Mode move trick "fixed" the tub... probably would have worked on the stereo but I just replaced it from the repair choices menu at the time.