Re: [FIXED] Wild Plants keeps duplicating when load
This is happening in my game as well on the Island in Windenberg. The number of duplicate plants seems to be different though depending on what season the plant is rated. For instance, all the blackberry plants have duplicated 4-5 times now, but since it's Autumn in my save file and they are a Summer plant, it's just lumps of dirt duplicating. Snapdragon plants on the otherhand are in season and most are not duplicating.
I say most because some of them do duplicate, but on top of each other. Pear trees are in season and are duplicating next to each other, but not at the rate of the blackberries. Also, bluebells are duplicating exactly like the blackberries, they are a Summer plant too I believe.
I also have the issue with dig sites not spawning in the numbers in previous games before I downloaded Seasons. I play on the Island in Windenberg ALOT so I know the normal pattern for them to spawn. After Seasons, I get one spawner in spots where I would get up to three a day after 2 a.m. depending on how long I waited to dig at them.
I'd like to note too that the 'dirt' piles that were introduced after Cats and Dogs, those that can hold a variety of things such as upgrade parts, actually started duplicating on top of each other BEFORE the Season patch and before I downloaded Seasons.
My plants indoors in a greenhouse are not spawning the normal yield per plant either. They always produced 10 fruits/veggies/flowers/herbs before I downloaded Seasons, now they do not. I think I've noticed a pattern to this though and I think it may be by design. It seems the more valuable plants produce less. For instance, I can get up to 7 sometimes 8 mushrooms per plant, but so far only 2 grapes. I read on the official forum of others who can only get 1 UFO bulb per plant now too and those are the most valuable plant in the game. Perhaps since the value of plants has been boosted for the pack in the patch, they tweaked them to produce less for the more valuable ones? Just a guess...
I say this because after the patch, but before I downloaded Season, I had some excellent Dragonfruit that was going for 472 simoleans EACH! o.O A harvest of my Sims garden pre-patch amounted to around 2-4 thousand simoleans whereras afterwards she hauled in over 75 thousand simoleans! Holy Simoly!
Okay, that's my two cents about this topic. Just want to conclude with the fact I do not have any mods or CC and NEVER have had any in my game. This is from a totally vanilla, repaired game. I always repair after a patch or after downloading a new game and I always clean out cache files, localthumb, etc. before every gameplay session.