Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [XB/PS] Red bar showing in upper right corner

Hoping this isn’t the beginning of the old fire code that maxed how much we could put on each lot. 
PS5 - only started recently. 

5 Replies

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  • crinrict's avatar
    12 months ago
    Thanks. Needed confirmation if it's just an XBox issue or also playstation.

    Adjusted title to include Playstation now.

  • @crinrict wrote:
    Thanks. Needed confirmation if it's just an XBox issue or also playstation.

    Adjusted title to include Playstation now.

    I have the issue on Playstation 4 now after installing Dine Out, Island Living, and Eco just last night. I left the build mode on while making a restaurant and woke up to the red bar. Haven't tried any previous saves yet but I'm worried bcus restarting didn't fix it.

    I will try to finish/save my restaurant and try a different save. This was also the first build ever that I used bb.moveobjects but used the console command without turning cheats on in general.

  • Same problem here on the PS5. Also seeing the red bar in the right corner of the screen in build mode. 

  • So is there a solution to this yet? Just started the game after a long time.... 

    What the heck is this bar now?

    I'm on a PS 5
