Forum Discussion

Re: Rooms not illuminating with addition of windows/lights


When you build and place lighting from the catalog, the lights, by default, are turned on.  Some lights are brighter than others, so I always use the little overhead saucer light when I build since that is one of the brighter lights.  When I am almost done, I replace them with the fixtures that I want to use permanently.  Some of the others are dimmer and just don't work as well.  Adding windows also adds light in a build but not very much.  The time of day (morning, afternoon, evening, night) also affects the lighting level and I find it best to set the time of day to afternoon when I build.  Depending on the time of day, lighting comes from different directions as the game mimics RL with the sun moving from east to west and that will make it look like the windows aren't letting in light.  So, you can try those 2 things - use the little saucer lights to illuminate the rooms while you build and set the time of day to the afternoon.  If afternoon isn't giving you the light level you need, then try other times of day to see if that will improve the lighting level.  

Another thing that happens is when you are modifying a played lot, the lighting will be in the last state that it was in when you last played the lot when you enter build from the map screen. If they were off, they stay off and if they were on, they stay on.  Many times, they will all be off though.  When that happens, then you can either pop back into live mode and turn all the lights on if you went to build from live mode or you can replace the lights from the catalog.  If you went directly to build from the map, then you can either replace all the lights or move a sim in temporarily to turn on the lights then move them out before you begin building.  This also happens when you download a lot from the Gallery or your Library.  So, you can try moving a sim in temporarily to turn the lights on then move them back out to build or replace the lights.

If none of these things work for you, then you can try a game repair.

I do have a couple of questions though.  Is this only happening with this build on that particular lot, or does it happen on other lots with other builds?  And was the lot vacant when you started, or did you bulldoze a previous build on the lot before starting your new build? Have you saved the lot to your Library and reinstalled it at any point?

Hope this helps.

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