Forum Discussion
8 years agoHero+
- Buy/Build Mode: General
- Categorisation/Filter/Swatch
- Slot/Footprint
- Lighting/Shadows/Flickering
- Textures
- Terrain/Terrain Paint
- Stairs/Ladder/Railing
- Fence/Gate
- Door/Window/Curtain
- Trim/Friezes/Column
- Foundation/Deck
- Floors/Walls/Ceiling
- Roofs/Chimney
- MoveObjects Cheat
- Platforms
- Curved Walls
Buy/Build Mode: General
- [NEEDS SAVES] Can't make changes to build
- [OPEN] Design Tool cannot be used on Tiny Teacher Nesting Blocks
- [NEEDS SAVES] [DU] Organizational Unlocks not unlocking properly
- [OPEN] Sims resetting after using build mode
- [OPEN] Benches Not Counted as Benches/Not in Outdoor Catagory (Patch 1.98)
- [OPEN] Build Mode Objects Missing/Incorrect Style Categories
- [OPEN] [COL] Limited Objects categorized as Base Game
- [OPEN] [LD] Music Box has debug name and description on all except the main swatch
- [NEEDS SAVES] [HR] Prairie Grass "String" DEBUG item
- [OPEN] [CL] 'The Colorful Beneath' rug has black background in buy mode
- [OPEN] [LD] Sinks dont have slots
- [NEEDS SAVES] [DU] [LS] Buildings cast no shadows in Ciudad Enamorada and Britechester
- [OPEN] Shadows don't generate in map view
- [OPEN] Shadows on floor of second level from walls of first level
- [OPEN] [CL] Modifying Certain Apartments deletes Exterior Wall Pattern
- [OPEN] Moon Texture still has lower quality and is not solid
Terrain/Terrain Paint
- [NEEDS SAVES] Terrain paint disappears after leaving lot (new build)
- [OPEN] Railings Clipping Through Walls (Patch 1.63.136)
- [OPEN] Stair Rails 'Popping' through Walls and Windows (Patch 1.73)
- [NEEDS SAVES] Glass inside windows disappears
- [OPEN] Mega Window (Deluxe) lacks transparent glass
- [NEEDS SAVES] Wall bugs into Window
- [OPEN] [CEK] [GRO] [HR] [LD] Missing Platform trim
- [OPEN] Multi-story columns misaligned
- [OPEN] [CL] Ceilings disappeared from San Myshuno Apartment
- [OPEN] Disappearing Ceiling (Glass Roof)
- [OPEN] [DU] [V] Glass missing or no reflectivity on glass in certain worlds
- [OPEN] Hairline cracks through diagonal walls
- [OPEN] Rattlesnake Juice: Lot Floors Place Above the Ground
- [OPEN] Round Rooms Not Functional
- [OPEN] [CL] Can't Paint Rooftiles in Certain Apartments in San Myshuno
- [NEEDS SAVES] [FR] 'Not Expanded to OPS' when trying to place roof on rental
- [OPEN] Roof clipping through walls
MoveObjects Cheat
- [NEEDS SAVES] Moveobjects (Moo) Causing items to disappear on reload
- [OPEN] Graphic Glitch with Curved Platforms
- [OPEN] Platform affecting roofs
Curved Walls
8 years agoHero+
- Aspirations
- Wants/Fears
- Moodlets
- Emotions
- Needs
- Skills
- Traits
- Lot Traits
- Food/Drink/Food Stalls
- Gardening
- Reading/Writing/Books
- Bills/Money/Royalty
- Break/Fire/Repair/ Upgrade
- Collectibles
- Phone/Notebook/Mail
- Queue
- Likes/Dislikes
- Moving/Traveling
- Sentiments
- Sim Profile
- Thought Bubbles
- Scenario
- [NEEDS SAVES] [HSY] Admired Icon: can't 'Make 10 teen Friends' with Incredibly Friendly
- [OPEN] Aspiration Counters visually reset
- [NEEDS SAVES] Aspiration Goals Not Checking Off
- [OPEN] [FR] Can't Complete Buy Shirt at Night Market Goal if Already Bought
- [OPEN] [CL] [SE] City Native: Introduction task not working (Respectful)
- [OPEN] [V] 'Don't drink without permission' not count
- [WORKAROUND] [SE] Extreme Sports Aspiration won't complete if relevant skills already maxed out
- [OPEN] Figure drawing masterpiece did not count toward Painter Aspiration
- [OPEN] [FR] Five Star Property Owner: Maintenance event doesn't tick off
- [NEEDS SAVES] [LD] Ghost Historian: Make Contact with Edith Not Counting
- [OPEN] [CCSP] 'Give Gift of Jewellery' aspiration step not being rewarded
- [OPEN] [GF] [HSY] [S] Goal-Oriented: Drama Club/Scouts don't fulfill After school task
- [NEEDS SAVES] [HCHSP] Market Magnate: Sell a Poor Quality doesn't fulfill
- [OPEN] Parties not counting for Party Animal Aspiration
- [OPEN] Player Trait: Unable to complete Villainous Valentine (Get Caught Cheating task)
- [NEEDS SAVES] [GRO] Sleep in Treehouse for 6 hours doesn't fulfill
- [OPEN] Social Butterfly: Become Friends with 3 children not fulfilling
- [OPEN] Teens lose aspiration when aging up
- [NEEDS SAVES] Afraid of the dark during the bright sunny day
- [OPEN] 'Ask About Day' named as 'Check in on' (no GRO)
- [OPEN] 'Be in a dirty environment' want cannot be fulfilled
- [OPEN] Constant negative moodlets from wants and fears/Constant fears
- [OPEN] Discuss Fear of Death not Fulfilling
- [OPEN] [FSP] Earbuds/Lin-Z doesn't fulfill stereo wants
- [OPEN] Fear of Horses topic conversation appears in game without Horse Ranch
- [NEEDS SAVES] Fear of Swimming triggered without apparent cause
- [OPEN] Sexual Orientation doesn't effect Wants
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sim Gets Fear of the Dark After Being Cured (Patch 1.97.42)
- [NEEDS SAVES] Want to Chat with Sim does not fulfil with phone Chat
- [OPEN] Wants/Fears: Wants do not reflect/respect sexuality settings
- [OPEN] Always badly decorated moodlet (Patch 1.68)
- [OPEN] 'Conquered Fear' Moodlet Remains Indefinitely
- [OPEN] [LD] Ghost Moodlets Recurring - Out of Body Experience from Baleful Bog
- [OPEN] Good sims getting evil moodlet w/o cause
- [OPEN] Lovelorn Moodlet without romantic trait
- [NEEDS SAVES] Moodlets/Quirk Notifications for infants after Infant has aged up (Patch 1.100)
- [OPEN] Mourning/Grief moodlet although Sim was spared/resurrected
- [OPEN] [LS] No Moodlets from liking/disliking the 'Romance Skill' activity preference
- [OPEN] Sim not getting sleep moodlet after woohoo although sleeping
- [OPEN] [LD] Sim still has ghost moodlets and ability from Out of Body Experience
- [NEEDS SAVES] [HSY] Sim without a crush keeps getting crush related moodlets
- [OPEN] Sims Complaining About Comfy Furniture Being Uncomfy
- [OPEN] [HSY] Underprepared moodlet but daily task is complete (homework)
- [OPEN] [NKSP] Energy Bar slow to fill after Sim begins knitting skill
- [NEEDS SAVES] Needs bar doesn't change color
- [OPEN] Needs decay too fast/Hard to fill (Patch 1.63.134)
- [OPEN] Needs Not Refilling at Work/School while playing a different lot
- [OPEN] Sim wakes up just to pass out
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sims enter shower/toilet, leave immediately without satisfying need
- [OPEN] Sims on home lot don't take care of needs when active sims away
- [OPEN] Toddler Taken, Needs Declined While playing another lot
- [OPEN] [DU] Debate Skill: Convincing other to make homework not work
- [OPEN] [CCSP] [GTW] Gain Gemology Skill (Not Logic) on Chemistry Lab
- [OPEN] [NKSP] Knitting Skill books not giving skill
- [OPEN] [HSY] Llama's Lair Success Giving No Reward
- [NEEDS SAVES] [PH] Parents don't get teaching moments if adult sibling in house
- [OPEN] [GF] Recording Skill Video labeled with wrong skill
- [OPEN] Skill percentage goes beyond 100% and sometimes drops
- [OPEN] [GRO] Child's confidence level does not change
- [OPEN] [CL] [SE] City Native: Introduction task not working (Respectful)
- [NEEDS SAVES] Clumsiness 'Handiness' Modifier Does Not Exist
- [NEEDS SAVES] Fertile Trait not working
- [OPEN] Jealous trait: Getting upset when partner interacts with their children
- [OPEN] Loyal trait is making sims cheat
- [OPEN] [GRO] No cross-pack Self Discovery traits
- [OPEN] [CD] [GRO] [PSP] Pets on Haunted House Lot get Self Discovery Option (Paranoid)
- [NEEDS SAVES] Removed traits still cause moodlets (no cheats used)
- [OPEN] Retraining potion removes additional traits
- [OPEN] [PH] Sims Not Gaining Character Values When Aging From Teen to YA
- [NEEDS SAVES] Teenager don't get third trait on aging/no Graduation
- [OPEN] [CL] Vegetarian Sims make meat-based meals when they try to auto-solve hunger
Lot Traits
- [OPEN] [ECO] Community Space inundated with broken appliances
- [NEEDS SAVES] [LD] Hallow Grounds: Lights get stuck very bright after flickering
- [UNSURE] [COL] [FR] Halo-Halo does not require ingredients even with Simple Living on
- [OPEN] [CL] Party Place Lot Trait Doesn't Work For Most Parties
- [NEEDS SAVES] [CD] Stray animals not populating with lot trait
- [OPEN] [CD] Strays won’t eat from full bowls nor use litter
Food/Drink/Food Stalls
- [NEEDS SAVES] Cake disappears when trying to drag it
- [OPEN] [COL] Can only make Pumpkin Conserve from orange pumpkins
- [OPEN] [HCHSP] Duplicate Batch Cook Dishes Have Wrong Interactions
- [OPEN] Food stalls always closed
- [OPEN] [ECO] Fuel Cell upgrade doesn't allow normal stove use off the grid
- [UNSURE] [COL] [FR] Halo-Halo does not require ingredients even with Simple Living on
- [OPEN] Ingredients omissions in the new cooking menus
- [OPEN] No option to cook Japchae
- [OPEN] [CL] NPCs take food ordered by active Sim
- [OPEN] [FR] Pressure cooker food made by sims with the fresh chef trait spoils
- [OPEN] [CL] Routing failure when making egg rolls (no prepped meat in inventory)
- [OPEN] Sim not using counters in kitchen to prep food
- [OPEN] [COL] Simple Living: Gourmet Servings don't show required ingredients
- [OPEN] Sims autonomously eat prepped ingredients
- [OPEN] [SE] Sims Can Only Make Single Serving of Ramen
- [OPEN] Sims doesn't CALL TO MEAL before taking a plate - so grabs another one...
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sims eat cake with candles on it
- [OPEN] [CD] [V] Sim's favorite drink is minty fresh pet drink
- [UNSURE] [COL] Sims get cheese and bread as leftovers
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sims stop cooking
- [OPEN] [FR] [HCHSP] Steamed Rice & Vegetable Chili Not Compatible with Food Stand
- [OPEN] [GTW] Unable to decorate baked goods
- [OPEN] [COL] [ECO] [HR] Cannot Plant in Off-Lot Planters in Some Worlds
- [OPEN] Cannot talk to plants
- [OPEN] [CCSP] Crystal Tree back to Dirt Pile
- [OPEN] Garden trees no longer go into household inventory
- [OPEN] [COL] Growth fertilizers are not consumed on use and have no effect on crops
- [OPEN] Invisible Plants and mid air floating harvestables (on-Lot)
- [NEEDS SAVES] Money Trees reset with latest update
- [NEEDS SAVES] No evolve option (ready to evolve)
- [NEEDS SAVES] No option to harvest garden plants
- [NEEDS SAVES] [COL] Oversized Crops Not Planting
- [OPEN] Plant not planting
- [OPEN] Plants always die before even blooming
- [OPEN] Plants are no longer producing harvestables
- [OPEN] Plants don't grow
- [WORKAROUND] [OR] Plants in Granite Falls only produce at 5am in current location
- [OPEN] Plants look dead while being in season and functional
- [OPEN] Plants revert to dirt pile (Patch 1.101.290) - Inconclusive Cause
- [OPEN] Plants revert to dirt piles after tending plants in any way
- [OPEN] Plants revert to dirt piles after travelling
- [OPEN] Plants reverting to Dirt Piles
- [OPEN] Plants reverting to Dirt Piles at 7 am
- [NEEDS SAVES] Quality of plants not/very slowly progressing/ No evolve
- [OPEN] Researching some plants does not result in notebook entry
- [NEEDS SAVES] [LD] Tooltip and growth chart keeps disappearing from plants
- [OPEN] [OR] Unidentified plants in Granite Falls have names
- [OPEN] Wild Plants not maturing/producing harvestables
- [NEEDS SAVES] [FR] Can't Pay Bills (Tenant)
- [OPEN] [FR] Impossibly High Rent
- [OPEN] [SE] Large Bills on Mt. Komorobi lots due to high power usage
- [OPEN] No option to pay bills (Patch 1.108.349)
- [OPEN] Not receiving royalties (GF not Installed)
- [NEEDS SAVES] [ECO] Off the grid: Windmill+Solar Panels produce no electricity
- [OPEN] Sims downloaded from my gallery catalog do not have enough money
- [OPEN] [FR] Tenants wont pay rent
- [OPEN] Very High Household Bills While On Vacation
Break/Fire/Repair/ Upgrade
- [NEEDS SAVES] Appliances break very easily
- [OPEN] Breakable Objects can't be repaired
- [NEEDS SAVES] Broken computer has no repair interaction available
- [NEEDS SAVES] Constant Fires (Reason unknown)
- [NEEDS SAVES] Fire anounced but there is no Fire on Lot
- [OPEN] NPCs won't extinguish fires
- [NEEDS SAVES] Objects combust into fire
- [OPEN] [DU] [GTW] Police Station & Foxbury Commons computers not fixable
- [NEEDS SAVES] Upgraded fire-proof objects catching fire a lot
- [NEEDS SAVES] [CL] Boxes of junk not appearing for outside neighbourshoods
- [NEEDS SAVES] [FR] No new marble after 'Playing for keeps'
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sim resets after digging for collectibles
- [OPEN] [ROM] Unable to purchase or win wand recolours
- [NEEDS SAVES] Constant phonecalls and text messages
- [NEEDS SAVES] [CD] Pet is sending texts to my sims
- [OPEN] [W] Rampaging Werewolf checks phone all the time while running
- [OPEN] Sims call to help with kids although no kids in household
- [OPEN] Toddlers receiving phone calls
- [OPEN] Assigned tasks cancelling when switching Sims
- [NEEDS SAVES] Multiple Interactions drop from queue
- [OPEN] Showers show no progress
- [OPEN] Sims multitask actions with eating that aren't compatible
- [OPEN] [CD] Sim's Queue Freezing on Interactions with dogs
- [OPEN] Likes/Dislikes: Missing Hobbies and Skills
- [OPEN] [GTW] Sim who likes baking but hates cooking still gets tense when baking
- [OPEN] [DHD] Sims obsessively view decor they like/dislike
- [OPEN] Sims who Dislike Mischief Autonomously do Mischief
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sims with active Colour Preferences disliking Yellow
- [OPEN] Can't move into furnished homes
- [NEEDS SAVES] Can't travel with more than 2 Sims
- [NEEDS SAVES] Collections reset after moving/splitting of household (Patch 1.53.115)
- [OPEN] Game does not follow active sim back home from another lot
- [OPEN] [DU] ICYA Chest Inventory Locked After Moving
- [OPEN] 'Keep Furniture' not working when moving
- [OPEN] Rosebud Achievement & Simoleons Max Out Randomly When Moving Household
- [OPEN] Sim travelling in group by default
- [OPEN] Sims can't travel with other Sims when selecting travel through lot
- [OPEN] Stuff on Desks under Top Bunk disappear
Sim Profile
- [OPEN] [GT] Sim Profile broken in Club Tab
Thought Bubbles
About The Sims 4 Bug Reports - Archive
This is a read-only archive of bugs previously reported on Answers HQ. Click "The Sims 4 Bug Reports" in the right-rail to browse and create new bugs.14,624 PostsLatest Activity: 5 months ago
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