Forum Discussion
- Aging/Birth/Death/Urn/Gravestone
- Animations
- Autonomy
- Calendar
- Career: Freelancer
- Career: Part Time Jobs
- Career: Rabbithole
- Career: Work From Home
- Delivery
- Discovery Quest
- Household/ Premade Household
- Indicators/ Thought Bubbles
- Infants/Toddlers
- Interactions: Objects
- Interactions: Sims
- Lot Challange
- Lots/Premade Houses
- Misc Inventories
- Neighborhood Stories
- NPCs/ServiceNPCs
- Objects: Bonus
- Objects: General
- Outfits/Appearance/Voice
- Painting/Woodwork/Fishing/Chess
- Photography
- Plant Sims/Ghosts
- Pregnancy/Baby
- Relationships
- Routing
- Social Events
- Social Media
- Wedding
- Willow Creek/Oasis Springs/Newcrest
- Work/School
- [NEEDS SAVES] Grim reaper wont collect the dead, household stuck
- [OPEN] Sims dont have option to blow out candles
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sims dying of Starvation
- [OPEN] Sims/Pets age up multiple times in a row
- [NEEDS SAVES] sudden sim death
- [OPEN] Toddlers/Infants don't age up with cake
- [OPEN] Eyes/Eyelids Issues (Patch 1.110.265/2.01)
- [OPEN] Infant distorts when trying to Walk autonomously
- [OPEN] Sim goes jogging with food in hand
- [OPEN] Sims hugging backwards/arm glitches
- [OPEN] Sims keep holding invisible book after putting it down
- [OPEN] Toddler jittery walk (Patch 1.81/1.49)
- [OPEN] When the sim opens the oven, the oven door is shifted
- [NEEDS SAVES] Autonomous Insulting (Patch 1.108.349)
- [OPEN] Disable autonomy for selected sim doesn't stop autonomous actions
- [NEEDS SAVES] Game Is Spamming Autonomous Dance Actions
- [OPEN] Lock door for specific Sims not working
- [OPEN] Sims excessively flirt with others (no Loyal Trait)
- [OPEN] Sims invading Homes
- [OPEN] Sims stops writing books
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sims will suddenly go 'Out of the World' to infinity
Career: Freelancer
Career: Part Time Jobs
Career: Rabbithole
Career: Work From Home
- [OPEN] Style Influencer work from home "take photos" task doesn't complete
- [OPEN] Style Influencer: Skill level not Properly recognized
Discovery Quest
Household/ Premade Household
Indicators/ Thought Bubbles
- [NEEDS SAVES] Random Negative Relationship Icons appears between Sims
- [OPEN] Can't pick up Infant/toddler
- [OPEN] Can't play peek a boo/read toddler book to infants outside of crib
- [OPEN] Check baby interrupts all attempts to care for baby
- [NEEDS SAVES] Infant covered in black cloud after playing in object
- [OPEN] Infant is stuck on sims body
- [OPEN] Infant keeps producing tears
- [OPEN] Infants spawning outside of home after loading back in
- [OPEN] Newborn/Toddler automatically sent to Daycare is not working
- [NEEDS SAVES] Parents need to introduce themselves to their infants (Patch 1.110.265)
- [OPEN] Parents refuse to care for toddler
- [NEEDS SAVES] Plates with food get stuck on sims hand when they try to feed toddler
- [OPEN] Toddler Doesn't Stay in High Chair (Patch 1.96.386)
- [NEEDS SAVES] Toddler/Infant needs neglcted by at daycare (Patch 1.58.63)
- [OPEN] Toddlers call caregiver to put them down from a regular seat
- [OPEN] Toddlers calling sims to pick them up while talking not fixed
- [OPEN] Toddlers eyes look as if they've grown eyelashes
- [OPEN] Toddlers have level 5 Movement skill but walk like level 1 on Certain Conditions
- [OPEN] Toddlers not Finishing Meals
Interactions: Objects
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sims in Romantic Relationship Keep Getting Out of Bed
- [OPEN] Sims throw trash on the ground
Interactions: Sims
- [OPEN] Action doesn't proceed when trying to woohoo with Grim Reaper
- [OPEN] Can't clean dishes/trash in ladder only houses
- [NEEDS SAVES] Can't plan wedding, says we're not engaged
- [NEEDS SAVES] Female sims now peeing while standing up
- [OPEN] NPC's not interacting on community lots/ despawning too fast
- [NEEDS SAVES] Romance Interactions constantly rejected
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sim doesn't interact with others and instead starts dancing
- [OPEN] Sims dislike mischief
- [NEEDS SAVES] Situational Interactions Often Missing in New Pie Menus
- [NEEDS SAVES] 'Throw-Up' Interaction Shows Before Pregnancy Test Taken
- [NEEDS SAVES] Try for Baby cancels/doesn't happen
- [NEEDS SAVES] Woohoo interaction greyed out for romantic partners
Lot Challange
Lots/Premade Houses
- [OPEN] Endless Loading/Crashing when trying to load a certain lot
- [OPEN] Houses/Lots disappear/Error 800 or 801
- [NEEDS SAVES] Locked doors unlock themselves when leaving the lot
- [WORKAROUND] Lot Types Change/ Business Funds for residential housing
- [OPEN] Walls are Missing In Movers & Shakers (in Willow Creek )
Misc Inventories
- [OPEN] Can't get items out of the family inventory
- [NEEDS SAVES] Can't put objects into storage items (fridge/nectar storage/etc)
- [OPEN] Cant sell gifts/produce from seed packs from inventory
- [OPEN] Furniture is moved to the household inventory on loading
- [OPEN] Harvestables from plants in HH Inventory on loading
Neighborhood Stories
- [OPEN] Can't disable Neighbourhood Stories
- [NEEDS SAVES] Neighborhood Stories: Excessive deaths
- [OPEN] Neighborhood Stories: Sims don't form relationship/get engaged through call
- [NEEDS SAVES] Neighbourhood stories phone calls not having intended affect
- [OPEN] Romantic and Friendship Changes in Neighborhood Stories have no effect
- [OPEN] Romantic Changes in Neighborhood Stories ignore sexual orientation
- [NEEDS SAVES] 'They already have a partner' call when they don't have a partner
- [OPEN] Bartender doesn't tend bar (stuck outside)
- [OPEN] Butlers, Service Providers, and others show up to Vacation Rental
- [OPEN] Caterers/Mixologists don't work at event
- [OPEN] Hired Caterer doesn't cook
- [OPEN] Maid caught in a loop cleaning appliances (Neat Trait)
- [NEEDS SAVES] Maids And Nannies Don't Do Their Jobs/Show Up
- [OPEN] Multiple nannies showing up
- [NEEDS SAVES] Nannies will continue to appear after canceling nanny service
- [NEEDS SAVES] Non active household baby taken away for neglect
- [OPEN] NPCs enter through back door to walk to the front and ring bell
- [OPEN] Sims reset for several interactions while using Lin-Z
Objects: Bonus
Objects: General
- [OPEN] Auto-Lights not working
- [OPEN] Emotionally Paintings are not available on sketchpad
- [OPEN] Event Rewards: Bullseye Dartboard missing fun and power values
- [NEEDS SAVES] Garbage Cans (outdoor) not working
- [OPEN] Left-aligned Lower Bunk Beds Not Working
- [OPEN] Locked doors not working when a sim leaves the lot
- [OPEN] NanoCan Touchless Trash Can not working Off The Grid
- [OPEN] No option to turn up the kicked Trashcan
- [OPEN] Objects floating in mid-air
- [NEEDS SAVES] Objects Stuck off Lots
- [OPEN] Other sims use locked laptop
- [OPEN] Sims put objects in Box/Chest instead of container (fridge, bookshelf)
- [OPEN] Trash Cans Stop Working on Some Lots
- [OPEN] Generated NPCs wearing hats /socks/accessories on all clothes
- [OPEN] Hair changes don't apply to Non-CAS Outfits
- [OPEN] Random work outfits/accessories (Patch 1.80.69/1.48)
- [OPEN] Sims don't change out of situational outfit
- [OPEN] Sims wear default underwear when naked
- [OPEN] Spine distortion on male Sims with female frame
- [OPEN] Can’t fish in stocked ponds
- [OPEN] Can't play chess with active Discovery Quest/Reaper Event
- [OPEN] Write Song / Book / Lyrics Loses Progress
- [NEEDS SAVES] Photos turning black
Plant Sims/Ghosts
- [OPEN] Ghosts can’t be contacted
- [NEEDS SAVES] No option to eat ambrosia for Ghost Sims
- [OPEN] Sim stuck reacting to becoming a ghost
- [NEEDS SAVES] (Group) Conversation leads to inappropriate love interest
- [WORKAROUND] Cannot edit pre-existing sims
- [NEEDS SAVES] Can't set two mothers/fathers as parents in CAS
- [NEEDS SAVES] Parents have romantic interest in their children
- [NEEDS SAVES] Partnered Sims turn into siblings
- [OPEN] Romantic Relationships decay/become negative fast with no interaction
- [OPEN] Sims can't become soulmates
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sims forget already existing relationships
- [OPEN] Sims reappear after selecting Hide Relationship
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sims who have been best friends/ememies for a while remain as acquaintances
- [OPEN] Puddles spawning underneath bathtub and cannot be mopped up
- [OPEN] Routing/Sit down issue on several interactions
- [OPEN] Sim keeps putting infant down before putting them in crib et al.
- [OPEN] Sim walking through walls and objects (Patch 1.61)
- [OPEN] Sims do not clean plates when one is on a half wall
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sims sit on toddler bed for everything
- [OPEN] Sims stand/sit somewhere else instead of eating at table (Patch 1.68.154)
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sims wandering off with no action queued to perform
- [OPEN] Sims will not sit to watch TV under certain circumstances
- [OPEN] Sims will not wash dishes (Patch 1.63)
Social Events
- [NEEDS SAVES] Dates getting automatically canceled (Invite by NPC)
- [NEEDS SAVES] Hired roles don't show up
- [WORKAROUND] Newlyweds can't cut first slice of wedding cake
- [OPEN] Not getting invites (Patch 1.106.148)
- [OPEN] NPCs leave immediately for Social Events/Invites (Invited by me)
- [OPEN] Sim won't travel when invited out
Social Media
Willow Creek/Oasis Springs/Newcrest
- [OPEN] Floating Objects in Worlds
- [OPEN] Lots randomly revert back to defaults
- [NEEDS SAVES] Objects flying in the sky: Now on ground
- Outdoor Retreat
- Spa Day
- Dine Out
- Vampires
- Parenthood
- Jungle Adventure
- Realm of Magic
- Star Wars: Journey to Batuu
- Dream Home Decorator
- My Wedding Story
- Werewolves
- [WORKAROUND] Plants in Granite Falls only produce at 5am in current location
- [OPEN] Unidentified plants in Granite Falls have names
- [OPEN] Sim reset while making Herbalism Potion
- [OPEN] Married Couples appearing in special vacation world lots
- [OPEN] Shower floor flickers for certain showers when placed inside
- [OPEN] Sims wearing shoes while in a towel
- [OPEN] Sims won't enter Sauna/Hot Tub/Hotspring for woohoo
- [UNSURE] Mermaids not tranforming in special baths
- [OPEN] Placemats in Restaurant: 123:20ece5dd:bee5c638
- [NEEDS SAVES] Employed NPCSims drop everything to shovel snow piles
- [NEEDS SAVES] Orders never arrive in restaurant
- [OPEN] 'Cantina Booth' not being recognized as dining spot
- [OPEN] Clicking On Preset for Waiter Outfit Goes Into CAS
- [OPEN] Dishes not being cleaned/disposed of
- [OPEN] Restaurants make no money unless managed in-person
- [OPEN] Transferring Business funds not working (Renter)
- [OPEN] 'Don't drink without permission' not count
- [OPEN] Occult eyes changing to human colors on children
- [OPEN] Occult eyes/features disappear when entering live mode
- [OPEN] Glass missing or no reflectivity on glass in certain worlds
- [OPEN] Sim's favorite drink is minty fresh pet drink
- [OPEN] Caleb Vatore: Broken genetics (eyes)
- [OPEN] Sleeping Pod and Coffins are missing several buffs
- [NEEDS SAVES] Vampire drank my blood and i was accused of drinking blood (Patch 1.75)
- [OPEN] Alien and vampire interactions don't count for spooky spirit
- [OPEN] Going to work as occult randomizes work outfit
- [OPEN] Occult form not the same even when linked or copied
- [OPEN] Specific Sims wont turn into a Vampire
- [OPEN] Vampires are constantly disappearing and reappearing backwards
- [OPEN] Werewolves/Vampire Super Speed is Broken
- [OPEN] Influence Emotions can be used at zero vampire energy
- [NEEDS SAVES] Young adults gain Parenthood character values
- [OPEN] Child/teen doesn't disobey grounding, and still gets autonomously scolded
- [WORKAROUND] Children will not stop making messes
- [OPEN] Can't influence teens while they are in loud phase
- [OPEN] Teens/Kids getting stuck in phases on rotational play
- [NEEDS SAVES] Parents don't get teaching moments if adult sibling in house
- [OPEN] Sims Not Gaining Character Values When Aging From Teen to YA
- [OPEN] Last Exception on exploring jungle
- [OPEN] Holiday decorations appear on Jungle Adventure temple
- [OPEN] Household Does Not Own Item
- [OPEN] Married Couples appearing in special vacation world lots
- [OPEN] Occult eyes/features disappear when entering live mode
- [OPEN] Unable to purchase or win wand recolours
- [NEEDS SAVES] Glimmerstone lost when transferring spellcaster to new saves
- [OPEN] Cauldron creating wrong item
- [WORKAROUND] Game assigned broom and cant make him stop using it
- [OPEN] Planning Outfit causes game to lock to Sim at home
- [OPEN] Arresting Someone (First Order) gets stuck
- [NEEDS SAVES] Not able to Acquire a Dataspike from Scoundrel Contact
- [OPEN] Several Missions: NPCs don't board the Millennium Falcon
- [OPEN] 'Cantina Booth' not being recognized as dining spot
- [OPEN] Droid loops on Distraction Procedure
- [OPEN] Unlinking any Modular Furniture causes LE and unexpected behaviour
- [OPEN] Decorator and Actor career not categorized as active career
- [OPEN] Home Decorator career no benefits (from any degree)
- [NEEDS SAVES] Non Freelance Sims Getting Reminders to Do Gigs
- [OPEN] Sims obsessively view decor they like/dislike
- [OPEN] Client was happy, but Sim still not paid & reputation dropped
- [OPEN] Clients always unhappy
- [OPEN] Commercial Gig: Client doesn't show up/Interactions missing
- [OPEN] Empty Gig List
- [NEEDS SAVES] No Pop-Up for going to Gig at starting time
- [OPEN] Reveal: Immediately Ends Gig - No Before/After or Reactions
- [OPEN] Wedding Venues placing as Residential from Gallery
- [OPEN] Sim keeps eating reserved wedding cake
- [NEEDS INFO] Toss wedding bouquet interaction stuck
- [NEEDS SAVES] Wedding tea sets cause sims to do the "smell bad" animation
- [OPEN] Slow Dancing Far Away From Music & Dance Floor (tight space)
- [OPEN] Unable to see picture of werewolf toddler in the Gallery
- [OPEN] Werewolf Toddler causes error when trying to save family to gallery
- [OPEN] Celene Lopez not working at grimtooth bar
- [OPEN] Rampaging Werewolf checks phone all the time while running
- [OPEN] 'Transformation Mastery' Ability Not Unlocking
- [OPEN] Werewolf sims missing initial temperament
- [OPEN] Werewolves/Vampire Super Speed is Broken
- [OPEN] Packs don't repopulate new members/no leader
- [OPEN] Going to work as occult randomizes work outfit
- [OPEN] Infinite Werewolf and Infinite Rampage
- [OPEN] Premade Werewolves are shown as non-werewolves in CAS
- [OPEN] XP resetting points/Level/No more points
- crinrict8 years agoHero+
- Perfect Patio Stuff
- Spooky Stuff
- Romantic Garden Stuff
- Vintage Glamour Stuff
- Bowling Night Stuff
- Fitness Stuff
- Laundry Day Stuff
- Moschino Stuff Pack
- Nifty Knitting
- Paranormal Stuff Pack
- Home Chef Hustle Stuff
- Bust the Dust
- Grunge Revival Kit
- Castle Estate Kit
- Crystal Creations Stuff
- Party Essentials Kit
- Artist Studio Kit
- Storybook Nursery Kit
Perfect Patio Stuff
Spooky Stuff
- [OPEN] Pumpkin Carving cannot be resumed if interrupted
- [OPEN] Spooky Stuff Costumes Not Recognized As Costumes
Romantic Garden Stuff
- [OPEN] Wishing Well Ghost child turned back to human/No more ghost children
- [OPEN] Wishing Well: Failure to Generate Sims for Romance Wish
Vintage Glamour Stuff
- [OPEN] Butler changes after going to another lot
- [OPEN] Butler doesn't cook family meals
- [OPEN] Butler/Maid trying to vacuum puddles
Bowling Night Stuff
Fitness Stuff
- [OPEN] Can't Sell or Drag Earbuds from Sim Inventory
- [OPEN] Earbuds/Lin-Z doesn't fulfill stereo wants
Laundry Day Stuff
- [OPEN] No washing machine on lot although there is
- [NEEDS SAVES] Washing machine only shows upgrade
Moschino Stuff Pack
Nifty Knitting
- [OPEN] Action won't queue for Resume/Frog Knitting
- [OPEN] Knitted items get stuck in household inventory after Sims death
- [OPEN] Sim can't knit when sitting in rocking chair
- [OPEN] Energy Bar slow to fill after Sim begins knitting skill
- [NEEDS SAVES] Cannot ship sold items from plopsy (Patch 1.76.81)
- [OPEN] Residential Rental: Tenants can't send items on Plopsy/Trendi
- [OPEN] Sim route fails when resuming knitting
- [OPEN] Knitting Skill books not giving skill
Paranormal Stuff Pack
- [OPEN] Guidry keeps making white cakes (Foodies NAP active)
- [OPEN] Pets on Haunted House Lot get Self Discovery Option (Paranoid)
- [OPEN] Paranormal Investigator: Can't complete gig because of missing pop-up
Home Chef Hustle Stuff
- [NEEDS SAVES] Market Magnate: Sell a Poor Quality doesn't fulfill
- [OPEN] Active Sims obsessed with cooking waffles/pizza
- [OPEN] NPC Sims Walk in House After Buying From Food Sale
- [OPEN] Duplicate Batch Cook Dishes Have Wrong Interactions
- [OPEN] Steamed Rice & Vegetable Chili Not Compatible with Food Stand
Bust the Dust
- [OPEN] Fabulously Filthy: Cooking meals on filthy floor doesn't fulfill for Slob
- [OPEN] Upgraded Vacuums Don’t Work Off The Grid
- [OPEN] Butler/Maid trying to vacuum puddles
- [OPEN] My sim won’t vacuum
- [OPEN] Roof terrace is dirty but can't be vacuumed
Grunge Revival Kit
Castle Estate Kit
- [OPEN] Missing Platform trim
Crystal Creations Stuff
- [OPEN] 'Give Gift of Jewellery' aspiration step not being rewarded
- [OPEN] Cannot remove jewelry, LE generated
- [OPEN] Crystal Tree back to Dirt Pile
- [OPEN] Gain Gemology Skill (Not Logic) on Chemistry Lab
Party Essentials Kit
Artist Studio Kit
Storybook Nursery Kit
- crinrict8 years agoHero+
- Aliens
- Break/Fire/Repair/ Upgrade
- CAS Asset
- Doctor/Science/Detective
- Food/Drink/Food Stalls
- Likes/Dislikes
- NPCs/ServiceNPCs
- Outfits/Appearance/Voice
- Retail
- Sickness
- [OPEN] Alien and vampire interactions don't count for spooky spirit
- [NEEDS SAVES] Alien features change when aged up (Patch 1.98)
- [OPEN] Alien wiped out wife's memory for no reason
- [OPEN] Going to work as occult randomizes work outfit
Break/Fire/Repair/ Upgrade
- [OPEN] [DU] [GTW] Police Station & Foxbury Commons computers not fixable
CAS Asset
- [OPEN] [GTW] Necklace gets messed up by high or low chest
- [OPEN] Detective: Cannot arrest suspect if the suspect is also a police officer
- [OPEN] Detective: Can't release suspect from cell
- [OPEN] Detective: No sims at detective APB locations except for the criminal
- [OPEN] Detective: Suspects won't appear at the station after arrest
- [NEEDS SAVES] Doctor Sims Cannot Deliver Babies
- [OPEN] Doctor: Cured Patients Leave Hospital Wearing Patient Gown
- [OPEN] Doctor: No pregnant sim spawning
- [OPEN] Gain Gemology Skill (Not Logic) on Chemistry Lab
- [NEEDS SAVES] No Sims After Issuing APB (Detective Career)
- [OPEN] Scientist: Plants at science lab don't produce harvestables
Food/Drink/Food Stalls
- [OPEN] [GTW] Unable to decorate baked goods
- [NEEDS SAVES] Employed NPCSims drop everything to shovel snow piles
- [OPEN] Celebrities Can't Be Interacted With in Retail
- [OPEN] Items returned after selling at the retail shop
- [OPEN] Retail worker/vets don't spawn for owned business as customer
- [OPEN] Transferring Business funds not working (Renter)
- [OPEN] Servos Get Sick
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sick Children Can't Take Medicine
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