Forum Discussion
- Aspirations
- Bike
- Burnout
- Console Specific
- GUI/Mouse/Cursor
- Infants/Toddlers
- Interactions: Computer
- Milestones
- Scenario
- Slumber Party/ Stay Over
- Splash Pads/ Baby Rug/Keepsake Box/Treehouse/ Puzzle
- Trails/Games/Friendship Bracelet
- Traits
- Trim/Friezes/Column
- [NEEDS SAVES] [GRO] Sleep in Treehouse for 6 hours doesn't fulfill
- [OPEN] Mental Fog After one Day of Hard Work
- [OPEN] Mental Fog Moodlet reverts when not done in full
Console Specific
- [NEEDS SAVES] [GRO] Stuck on loading/crashing
- [OPEN] [GRO] Midlife crisis tasks not showing in Aspiration panel
- [OPEN] Cannot practice standing/Tummy Time in basements
- [OPEN] Infants can't get on and off playmat by themselves
- [OPEN] LE when changing diapers on changing table
- [OPEN] Sims instantly take infant out of back carrier
Interactions: Computer
- [OPEN] Daycare milestone for toddler only unlocking under specific circumstances
- [OPEN] Infant milestone always shown as new after aging up
- [OPEN] Infant won’t achieve milestones
- [OPEN] Infant won’t get first visit to family member’s home milestone
- [OPEN] Learn to ride a bike milestone doesn't unlock
- [NEEDS SAVES] Milestone doesn't show up in one of the 2 sims
- [OPEN] Milestones: New Job Milestone Starting Favour/Alice Sorrow
- [OPEN] No Got a Horse Milestone when Horse Created in CAS
- [OPEN] No Milestone for graduating from high school
- [OPEN] Pull to Stand Milestone Taking Several Times
- [OPEN] Toddler milestone 'Max movement skill' won't complete
Slumber Party/ Stay Over
- [NEEDS SAVES] Cant Invite Certain Sim to Stay Over Event
- [OPEN] Guests don't sleep
Splash Pads/ Baby Rug/Keepsake Box/Treehouse/ Puzzle
- [OPEN] Immobile infants only use one swatch of baby rug
- [OPEN] No option to 'Play Puzzle With' - Cannot invite sims to play either
- [OPEN] Treehouses can't be built in community lots
Trails/Games/Friendship Bracelet
- [NEEDS SAVES] Friendship bracelets permanently stuck on Sims
- [OPEN] [GRO] Child's confidence level does not change
- [OPEN] [GRO] No cross-pack Self Discovery traits
- [OPEN] [CD] [GRO] [PSP] Pets on Haunted House Lot get Self Discovery Option (Paranoid)
- [OPEN] [CEK] [GRO] [HR] [LD] Missing Platform trim
- Categorisation/Filter/Swatch
- Chestnut Ridge
- Graphics
- Horse Items
- Horses
- Mini Sheep/Goats
- Nectar Making
- NPCs/ServiceNPCs
- Trim/Friezes/Column
- [NEEDS SAVES] [HR] Prairie Grass "String" DEBUG item
Chestnut Ridge
- [NEEDS SAVES] [CD] [HR] Pets are black
Horse Items
- [OPEN] Animals still use games locked to them
- [OPEN] Horse randomly taken by Vet Protective Services
- [OPEN] Horse/Cat/Dog Has a Social Bunny Account
- [OPEN] Horse/Foals refuse to play with Ball
- [OPEN] Horses do not have chooseable pronouns like cats and dogs
- [OPEN] Horses will not autonomously enter or sleep in stalls
- [OPEN] No Got a Horse Milestone when Horse Created in CAS
Mini Sheep/Goats
- [NEEDS SAVES] All animals aging up/dying (aging turned off)
Nectar Making
- [NEEDS SAVES] Can't resume nectar
- [OPEN] Nectar Pouring Interaction Fails (Nectar downloaded from Gallery)
- [NEEDS SAVES] Multiple ranch hands
- [OPEN] Ranch Hand Making too many Cakes (NAP Active)
- [OPEN] Ranch Hand Stays Past 7 pm
- [OPEN] [CEK] [GRO] [HR] [LD] Missing Platform trim
- crinrict2 years agoHero+
- Aspirations
- Bills/Money/Royalty
- Collectibles
- Food/Drink/Food Stalls
- Lessons/Description/Tool Tips
- Lot Challange
- Misc Inventories
- Objects: General
- Presser Cooker/Heater/Kettle/Shoe Rule
- Property Manager
- Rental Event
- Residential Rental
- Roofs/Chimney
- Tomarang
- [OPEN] [FR] Can't Complete Buy Shirt at Night Market Goal if Already Bought
- [OPEN] [FR] Five Star Property Owner: Maintenance event doesn't tick off
- [NEEDS SAVES] [FR] Can't Pay Bills (Tenant)
- [OPEN] [FR] Impossibly High Rent
- [OPEN] [FR] Tenants wont pay rent
- [NEEDS SAVES] [FR] No new marble after 'Playing for keeps'
Food/Drink/Food Stalls
- [UNSURE] [COL] [FR] Halo-Halo does not require ingredients even with Simple Living on
- [OPEN] [FR] Pressure cooker food made by sims with the fresh chef trait spoils
Lessons/Description/Tool Tips
- [OPEN] [FR] [HCHSP] Steamed Rice & Vegetable Chili Not Compatible with Food Stand
Lot Challange
Misc Inventories
Objects: General
Presser Cooker/Heater/Kettle/Shoe Rule
Property Manager
- [NEEDS SAVES] Business Panel Doesn't Show Owned Residential Rental
- [OPEN] Rental units duplicated in Owned Business tab
Rental Event
- [NEEDS SAVES] Every tenant event successfully resolved is instead treated as a failure
- [OPEN] Explosive Malfunction can't be resolved as nothing can be replaced
- [OPEN] Objects randomly catch on fire after solved cursed book event
- [OPEN] Pet/Charity Drive excessively long
- [OPEN] Tenant Revolts still happen when Rental Unit Events are disabled
Residential Rental
- [OPEN] Cannot set/change a front door in an R-Rental building
- [NEEDS SAVES] Farm Animals in Rental Neighbours' homes run away
- [OPEN] Sims on Residential Rental Lots Entering Each others homes
- [OPEN] Transferring Business funds not working (Renter)
- [NEEDS SAVES] [FR] 'Not Expanded to OPS' when trying to place roof on rental
- crinrict8 months agoHero+
- Aging/Birth/Death/Urn/Gravestone
- Ciudad Enamorada
- Cupid's Corner
- Error Code/Last Exceptions
- Interactions: Sims
- Lighting/Shadows/Flickering
- Moodlets
- NPCs/ServiceNPCs
- Objects: General
- Romance Consultant
- Romantic Satisfaction
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sim who has never been heartbroken died of broken heart
Ciudad Enamorada
Cupid's Corner
- [NEEDS SAVES] Cupids Corner matches do not honor sexual preference
- [NEEDS SAVES] Cupid's Corner Matches Spawn with Different Age & Gender on Date
- [OPEN] Gallery Sims from Cupid's Corner have high-pitched voices
- [OPEN] Sim from Cupid's Corner Gallery won't change after CAS edit
Error Code/Last Exceptions
- [NEEDS SAVES] [LS] LastException: matchmaking_service failed
Interactions: Sims
- [OPEN] 'Ask to Work On Romance Dynamic' always fails
- [NEEDS SAVES] LE/Reset when trying to do romantic interactions
- [NEEDS SAVES] [DU] [LS] Buildings cast no shadows in Ciudad Enamorada and Britechester
Objects: General
- [OPEN] Limited shower choices while Energized (open showers)
- [OPEN] New Bouquets are not Craft able on Flower Table (MWS ones are)
Romance Consultant
Romantic Satisfaction
- crinrict5 months agoHero+
- Aging/Birth/Death/Urn/Gravestone
- Aspirations
- CAS Asset
- Categorisation/Filter/Swatch
- Excessive Use of something
- Favors/Alice/Edith/Tarot Cards
- Festivals
- Gardening
- Lot Traits
- Moodlets
- Objects: Bonus
- Objects: General
- Outfits/Appearance/Voice
- Reaper
- Rebirth
- Slot/Footprint
- Soul's Journey/Bucket List
- Trim/Friezes/Column
- Undertaker
- [NEEDS SAVES] Children die due to neglect despite not being neglected/LD pop Up LE
- [NEEDS SAVES] Played Sim in another household not dying/repeat keep inventory message
- [NEEDS SAVES] [LD] Ghost Historian: Make Contact with Edith Not Counting
CAS Asset
- [OPEN] [LD] Gauges deforms ears
- [OPEN] [LD] Mark Of Evil/Mark Of Good not showing in CAS after unlocking
Excessive Use of something
Favors/Alice/Edith/Tarot Cards
- [OPEN] Ghost Essence not appearing in inventory
- [OPEN] Ghost Host essence favor: Can't turn in as a permanent ghost sim
- [OPEN] Milestones: New Job Milestone Starting Favour/Alice Sorrow
- [OPEN] No Death Flower from Opening Starter Flower Seeds at Cemetery
- [NEEDS SAVES] Sim who asks for mark of Edith functionally becomes Edith
- [NEEDS SAVES] [LD] Tooltip and growth chart keeps disappearing from plants
Lot Traits
- [NEEDS SAVES] [LD] Hallow Grounds: Lights get stuck very bright after flickering
- [OPEN] [LD] Ghost Moodlets Recurring - Out of Body Experience from Baleful Bog
- [OPEN] [LD] Sim still has ghost moodlets and ability from Out of Body Experience
Objects: Bonus
Objects: General
- [OPEN] Reaper: Book and Slablet Spam in Headquarter lot
- [OPEN] Reaper: Dead Sim stuck standing on lot
- [NEEDS SAVES] Reaper: No Dead/Witness/Has Plead Sim on the Lot
- [OPEN] Reaper: No Lost Souls show up on lot
- [OPEN] Reaper: 'One day remaining to reach quota' message every day
- [OPEN] Rebirth: Sims disappear off screen/Placement screen doesn't happen
- [OPEN] Second Rebirth doesn't work
- [OPEN] [LD] Sinks dont have slots
Soul's Journey/Bucket List
- [OPEN] [CEK] [GRO] [HR] [LD] Missing Platform trim
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