Forum Discussion

che117's avatar
3 years ago

reporting a plethora of bugs

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
What is your current game version number? latest
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Everything beside some kits and Star War
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Just play the game outside of build mode and CAS
What happens when the bug occurs? see below
What do you expect to see? the game works as intended and as a game that came from a triplet a company
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 

To start with, I want to say yes, I play with mods and cc, over 100gb of them, but all these bugs still happened as I was testing the game without any cc/mod, so don't tell me update mods or blame the state of the game on modders. 

1. the only way I could feed my toddlers on highchair is by clicking the fridge and choose grab food for xxx--when I clicked on the highchair, all options got no response

2. Sims have wants to flirt and woohoo with their family member, adult sims flirting with teenagers automatically

3. Child and toddler got romance with their parents after butting into romantic conversation, mum jealous of her son, dad became loverbird with his daughter, just a whole mess of incestuous bugs.

4. Sims walked for miles to wash hands instead of using the sinks right next to the toilet

5. Loyal trait worked completely opposite and turn your sims into a love machine, flirt with anyone that came their ways

6. Bella goth (or any NPC honestly) bombarded your sims, asking about should she have a baby every single sim day, even if her household have 8 sims already

7. Auto-solve is a complete joke, if you have a pool, sims will swim instead of taking shower, drink coffee instead of sleeping at midnight, aren't they supposed to be smart?

8. Random sims spawned in the jungle temple, no animation when opening treasure chests, every single time sims used the machete to get through a gate, she lost the machetes, even though she maxed logic, fitness and archaeology skills

9. pets slept all day then got taken away from starvation even when there's food bowl ready

10. Dine out is constantly unplayable, wedding stories still broken, HSY is a hot mess, werewolves everywhere even though I disabled them outside of Moonwood mills

11. Sims reset randomly, if they were eating or drinking, the dishes disappeared, a lot of lag, switching between live mode and build mode made the game all weird and laggy

12. service NPCs, maids, repo men, firefighters don't leave the house once they are done, maids stuck on cleaning grills over and over again

13. Toddler glitches out a lot when they walk

14. Everyone is scared of fire, scared of unfulfilling dream, scared of death, just constantly scared of something for no reason

15. Sims randomly being mean to each other, I have snowy escape

16. chubby sims lost weight immediately after 10 sims minutes on treadmills, it jumped from one end to another, max fat ratio to malnutrition, just like that

17. white children from two dark skin sims, white children from two asian sims, white children from any sims couple

18. male sims generated with makeup and female clothing. No makeup on causal outfit in cas then every other outfit have some of the most absurd makeup, on both female and male

19. Children looks nothing like their parents, disappeared chin

20. Chose a sim only like and romantically attract to only woman, a male sim flirting with her still work, same with the other way around, same with woohoo preference

21. Why can I play the Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn, Far Cry 6 RDR2 , Cyberpunk on the highest graphic setting with no problem and when it comes to S4, 20fps vanilla?

22. Why can I play a game that's made by a indie studio, Rimworld, with 2000 NPCs in one screen and mods, and when it comes to S4, it sounds like my pc is taking off into space and drain every last bit of my pc's memory?

23. My sims wanted to adopt a boy,  the baby's name is Jacob, no way to see a baby's gender after adopting 'him', turned out to be a girl

24. apartment neighbors won't shut up every single night and sims can't complain to them nor sleep

25. sims randomly came into apartments

26. everytime visiting a community lot, bartender took off immediately, same with DJ, never able to get a drink in bar or having drinks stolen by NPCs

There are so many more but by the time I finished another $40 broken pack will be announce, and the game that was build on sand will be broken even more. Game is far from unplayable, especially with mods, they fixed a lot of annoying little bugs and glitches, but modders shouldn't make your game, you should make your game, especially when there are more simmers than ever, and people are throwing record amount of money to the company to play your game. It's just these bugs and glitches that always made the game less fun than it is, sometime even get so annoying that it stress you out. Game is fun--to an extend, I understand that it will never be the game I wanted coming from Sims 2 and Sims 3, having mods definitely help a lot--but seeing that there's another title from an indie studio coming into the market in the future, I don't think EA wants to see another sim city disaster, isn't it? So maybe it's time to pick up the slack and fixed the biggest issue of Sims 4 currently and end it on a high note.

Anyway, doubted any of these bugs will be fix, or it will be 'fixed' despite it never did. Some of these bugs had been with the game for years, and seeing the game still have 'years' to go, apparently, can't wait to see what the future of Sims 4 will be, at this point, Sims 3 runs even smoother than this mess.

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  • EA_Solaire's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    3 years ago

    Hi @che117,

    As this report contains multiple bugs and we may already have active dedicated bug report threads opened for them here "Compiled list of reported issues" this thread has been closed.

    If there isn't an active thread dedicated to each of the bugs you're experiencing in the link above, please go ahead and create a new bug report, one per each individual bug after testing if the issues persist after installing any mods/cc. That way, we can track things easier and provide relevant information regarding the specific bug.